Friday, November 30, 2012

Resting is the order of the weekend

While I was out of town over the Thanksgiving holiday I started having more GI troubles. Then a couple days ago I started having more pain in my abdomen, pelvic region, and in my back so I saw my doctor today. He said that I have an infection so he put me on antibiotics. Before he left the room he ordered me to rest over the weekend. Since I feel like crap I will follow his order. Here are some links to some excellent posts by some great patriot bloggers.

Bunkerville -- McConnell 'burst into laughter' over Tim Geithner's Obama Plan 

The Other McCain -- The Media's Weird Silence On Soros 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 -- ObamaCare Regulations Require Dominos Pizza To Post 34,000,000 Signs In Each Store To Comply 

Reaganite Republican -- Malkin: Time To Impeach Obama and Hillary Clinton For Treason, Dereliction of Duty, and Non-Stop Benghazigate Lies 

Sentry Journal -- Pravda Knows Where We Are Going, Why Don't We? 

Maggie's Notebook -- School Orders Child To Remove G-d From Poem 

American Perspective -- Obama's Military Legacy 

America's Chronicle - Buffet or Buffoon? 

Adrienne's Corner -- Wild Bill: "The Left-Wing Media Is Public Enemy #1" ... 

I will probably be posting more links over the weekend. Since it is Christmas time I am posting some tunes for the season.


  1. Please rest, Teresa. Your readers will be here when you recover, my friend.

    Your health is what's more important.

  2. Rest and recharge. If you need help with posts let me know.

  3. Thanks Odie, Leticia, Bunkerville, and John. I appreciate your kind thoughts and support.

    I may take you up on your offer John. That is very kind of you to offer. God Bless.
