Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habemus Papam! Pope Francis I

I am totally psyched! This is awesome!!! We now have a new Pope. Kevin and I have been glued to the TV watching in excitement awaiting the announcement of who is the new Pope. The College of Cardinals chose Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be the 266th Pope. He has chosen the name Francis I. Our new Pope is Pope Francis I. Awesome!! Totally awesome!!! Pope Francis I is from Argentina. He is the first non-European, first South American, and first Jesuit Pope. Magnificent!! May the Holy Spirit guide him as he leads the Catholic Church. God Bless him.
Here is Pope Francis I’s first speech:

Cross-posted @ Catholibertarian 


  1. Teresa,

    This is indeed good and welcome news.

    Yes, I said that, and the reason can be found on my recent post.

    Jesuit Order is a clue to my reaction.

  2. Yes it is Christopher.

    Since you referred to the Jesuit Order as the reason I'm a bit perplexed unless you're referring to the older Jesuits and not the younger Jesuits. Because many of the more recent Jesuits are political and politically not our cup of tea, meaning progressive. And most don't subscribe to Tradition of the Church but want to change certain beliefs, believe in moral relativism.

  3. Ah, but Andrew Cuomo said that he and his family were discouraged by the choice Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the church's new Pope

    If the Cuomo family were really Roman Catholics - in more than just name - and only when it's convenient - they might have something important to say. I'm disappointed as I always am about the whole Cuomo clan. They are truly NOT typical Roman Catholics. In fact I don't know what the hell they are!

  4. One Old Vet,

    Cuomo is a dissenter. He's not really a Roman Catholic. If he was he wouldn't believe in things which are contrary to Church teaching. He wouldn't like any Pope who is "Catholic" and stood up for Catholic beliefs. Thanks for your comment.
