Thursday, April 18, 2013

Still in bad pain, Enjoy some links

I wish that I could say that I'm feeling better but that isn't the case. I am having more pain. This is really getting frustrating for me.  I thought that I wouldn't be having near as much pain as I am having after undergoing the hysterectomy.  But my doc has consistently made it clear that I have the worst case of endometriosis he's seen over his 20 plus year career.  Now I am just trying to deal with the pain one day at a time. Plus, I am trying to unite my suffering with Jesus on the Cross.  Hopefully I'll be visiting your blogs soon.

Father Dwight Longenecker says that women are different than men. He even makes the case that women are superior to men. Woohooo!!! Gotta totally agree with him.

FBI releases VIDEO of Boston bombing suspects.  I hope the FBI catches the perpetrators of this heinous act.

The useful idiots of Newtown threaten the rights of the majority...   That's it, let's just pass gun control legislation to make people feel better even though passing a law which won't make a difference in stopping violent criminals gives the families a false sense of security.  Gun control fanatics are stuck on stupid.

Billboard in Boston says it all...  Absolutely love it!

Rescuers search for survivors of Texas fertilizer plant blast   Sending my thoughts and prayers out to the vctims, family and friends in the West, Texas community.

Pro-Life Cross Display Vandalized at Slippery Rock University   It would be nice if the pro-choice crowd could be tolerant of another point of view.

College Professor Arrested Amid Profanity-Laced Rant Against Pro-Life Students' Display   In the video the police tell the professor to be quieter and calm down. Although I think it would have been sensible to listen to the officers I don't think that the professor's profanity or its volume warranted her being arrested.

U2 Lifts Praises to God at a Concert Performing Yahweh and a Psalm 40 Song! from theremix on GodTube.