Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pamela Geller On TrentoVision Defending Freedom Of Speech Against Islamofascism


  1. Gellar maker a good case, though she unnecessarily restricts the scope in her employment. Speech regarding religion, pro or con, goes to the heart of our 1st Amendment....and should always be protected. No matter what religion it is the subject of.

  2. Constitutional Insurgent,

    Pamela focuses on the issue at hand, which is the suppression of speech critical of Islam because of the attorney general of TN's comment. But then she also says that she doesn't want to suppress ANY speech, including pro-Nazi speech. That she says around the 30 min mark. So I'm unsure why you said this "she unnecessarily restricts the scope in her employment".

  3. Probably because this particular "issue at hand" is the only issue she crusades against.

    If she truly supports the latitude of the freedom of speech, then kudos to her. Perhaps I've only seen one side of her....or perhaps she only shows one side publicly.
