Saturday, July 6, 2013

Which Group is Most Identified With Being More Racist Than Others? The Answer May Surprise You

According to a poll more citizens believe blacks are more racist than whites or Hispanics. The poll revealed that a person's political affiliation played much more of a role in feelings towards various races rather than a person's ethnicity.

The poll's findings: "Overall, 37 percent of Americans feel that black Americans are the most racist among the three ethnic groups, 15 percent feel that whites are and 18 percent think Hispanics are." 

Do you think this poll is accurate? And accurately reflects the feelings and perceptions of the various groups of Americans?  The only thing I'll say is if blacks are brought up to believe they are a victim then they are buying into the false notion that they're not as good or can't be as good as people of other ethnicities. If blacks accept victim status then jealousy could breed resentment, which could ultimately lead to hatred and misconceptions about other races. But being taught to hate can happen within any ethnicity or race.  From my perspective I see a majority of the mob violence and hate coming from blacks and gang members which consist of a variety of races.


  1. I suggest the media is to blame for the growing tension. Non stop coverage of anything that could cause unrest. It encourages minority resentment.

  2. I've seen more blacks who are overtly racist -- even militant about their racism -- than whites who are overtly racist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Teresa: Would it be OK if I use this as a guest post at Progressive Soup?

  5. Malcolm,

    Yes. Thanks. How have you been?

  6. Cool, I will get it posted no later than Sunday. I'm fine by the way. Thanks for asking.
