Thursday, April 24, 2014

Asking For Prayers

My hematologist found an abnormality in my chromosomes so I am having a bone marrow biopsy done today at 1:00.  He is checking to see if I have a blood disorder.  I'm nervous about the procedure and the results.


  1. You're always in my prayers, but I'll add even more...

  2. May Almighty G-d bless you with good health, a long life, and a speedy and complete recovery.

  3. Thank you and God Bless Adrienne.

    Amen. Thank you and God Bless Opus.

  4. I had the bone marrow biopsy.
    I will pray for you

  5. I will ask God to send you a special blessing Teresa.

  6. So sorry I didn't see your post sooner. I hope the test went well and that there was nothing seriously wrong. I will keep you in my prayers.

  7. So sorry to hear. I pray things went well for you.

  8. Bless you my Catholic sister, and prayers are coming to you from the miles

    Of this , you can be sure

  9. I've been away visiting family. Sorry for the delay in response.

    Thanks so much for your prayers Rick, Randy, TCL, Bunkerville, and RR.

    I don't get the results til the 15th so I will wait and see what happens.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry I missed this post. My wife is 17 years out from CML, so she knows what you're facing in the bone biopsies.

    Thoughts and prayers your way!
