Friday, May 16, 2014

Segregation on Rise in Schools; Need Better Education Policies Failing

According to the AP a report by the Civil Rights Project at UCLA findings showed that segregation in schools is on the rise 60 years after the Brown Supreme Court decision. Blacks, Latinos, and other minorities are making up 90 percent of the students in a number of schools in New York, Texas, California, Maryland, Illinois, and Michigan.

The Civil Rights Project found that in central cities among the largest metropolitan areas contain more segregation than in suburban areas.  Do you think as citizens that we segregate ourselves of our own volition? Lower middle class individuals hang round others in the lower middle class?  Upper middle class associate with persons who are also in the upper middle class?  Poor hang around other poor individuals? Wealthy hang out with those who are wealthy?  Two things that probably transcend economics is certain groups or activities and religious communities.

One student in Chicago said that she had to transfer to another school due to hers not offering biology and world studies.  These two classes are needed to graduate.  There is absolutely no reason why a school in a poorer area doesn't teach all the courses necessary for graduation.  I wonder if any classes being taught at the schools in poor sections of cities can be eliminated to make room for the necessary subjects to graduate?

"Many blame the schools for failing, or teachers, but they never blame the bad policies put in place in schools," Griffin said. "A teacher can only teach to a certain extent with the resources. It's the policies put in place that's failing the students."

I know teachers' unions are against vouchers as are most people working in public schools but I believe vouchers would be a good option for parents to send their children to different schools if the school they are going to is failing them or has subpar standards. Charter schools is another option for students to obtain a better education.  Obviously improvements need to be made in schools which are in economically disadvantaged areas.  Policies need to be changed so we don't fail the students by not giving them the tools they need in order to be successful in life.


  1. "Teresamerica" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  2. Thank you for the link Jerry.
