Friday, July 11, 2014

Chaos in Life

My life has been filled with chaos lately.  The online payment system that motor vehicles has in Pa is screwed up and this led to my husband having problems with his job. The higher ups at his job acted like a bunch of rejects and idiots and he came close to losing his job. He is finally back to work but now we are facing at least one other major issue. I am still trying to get my health under control. I have been trying different pain meds which seem to help at first but then my pain worsens so I don't know.  I have been waiting to be approved for Disability for a long time so hopefully this will happen and when it does our financial situation will improve. Over the past two years I have tried various things to better my health so I am able able to work but nothing has helped even to the point where I feel okay. I have faith that things will get better.

There is utter chaos happening at the border with floods of minors crossing the border into the U.S. illegally.  LD Jackson covers the question of whether these unaccompanied alien children are here to stay.  Chaos is one of the elements of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.  Would progressives assist in creating an implosion of our economy and the societal system which is in place?  I wouldn't doubt it. The influx of minor immigrants could certainly be part of progressive's plan to transform America. Oh my! When it rains it pours. Bunkerville has posted news that Mexico has cut a deal to send more illegals to the United States.  So much for United States sovereignty.  The right to have borders, right to know who is entering the U.S., and the ability for us to defend this nation has been gutted with this crisis at the border.

Do you agree with Sarah Palin saying "It's time to impeach" President Obama?


  1. Don't you SEE the irony of your comments? YOU are trying to be the exact same kind PARASITE you claim these WAR REFUGEES to be! "DISABILITY"? The bar is high and for good reason; it's another system that is easily abused. If you've waited 2 years, it's not very likely you'll get it without getting a specialized lawyer. Instead of pain meds, YOU need a good and thorough THERAPIST. The BASE of your pain is purely psychological: self-hatred, plus hatred of your life, your environment and your lack of choices. Get a good therapist and you will FINALLY get a life.

  2. Cielo that was the bitchiest thing I've read in a long time. I'm ashamed of you and for you. You know NOTHING about Teresa's disability, and you're being just horrible. Again, ashamed.

  3. Thank you very much Michelle.

  4. Ashamed that I'm saying the truth? NOBODY knows what triggers fibro. I seriously believe it's severe depression plus anxiety. You might treat the SYMPTOMS but to really get to the SOURCE you have to dig deep into your mental health. PLUS Getting disability is hard to do, especially in some states. In Houston, it's nigh on impossible. There are lawyers here that specialize in it, but who can afford one? I am Samuel preaching to King Saul. Look within.

  5. Hi Cielo You are more than welcome here.

    It is too bad you see me that way. I know you are better than that because Michelle tells me so.

    Have a great night!

  6. Cielo,

    Yes fibro is similar to endo in that there are a number of theories for why they occur but no one knows the cause. I agree that mental health is part of the source but I believe the physical is the other part. Yes Disability is very hard to get. It has been 1 year 3 months since I applied for disability. Was denied. Obtained a lawyer. I have had the lawyer working on my case for about a year. My lawyer said it takes a year to a year and a half to get an appeal date. So hopefully I will get a date within 6 months and really really hoping I get approved. We all have a bit of King Saul within each of us. We are all sinners.
