Saturday, July 26, 2014

Liberties lost, Chaos, brutality, rights trampled on, Citizens spying on other citizens; America in decline before our eyes

Is America becoming a police state? Is America becoming a banana republic? Is America becoming a dictatorship? Is America's light dimming for the world to see? Has our country become a Corporatocracy? Totalitarian?  Fascist?

H/T DeadCitizensRightsSociety

The incidents happening across America are horrible, alarming, and frightening. It is so sad to witness the decline of America.

We have the government calling on paramedics and firefighters to report so called suspicious activity, ordering them to look for "extremists" as a part of their job. WTH???

I do think there is still time to save America and reverse this slow painful death which is upon her. We can restore Godly principles, lost liberties, and our founding fathers' vision and foundation to America.