Saturday, January 10, 2015

Multiculturalism and Open borders

Did multiculturalism and open borders lay the groundwork for the recent terror attacks and mayhem in Paris, France?

Multiculturalism accepted muslims without question.  Didn't care about Muslims ideology?  Or Muslims beliefs at there core?  Acceptance of everything is a bad thing.  Inclusion of everything and everyone is a bad thing.  Believe it or not there are bad people in our society so looking the other way is not an option, or would be a detrimental one.  With open borders the terrorists could come and go as they pleased. Now there is a woman terrorist on the loose and open borders of Europe may just help her in getting away from police.

Muslim terrorists are not just criminals.  They are waging a war on everyone in the world who doesn't believe as they do.  They don't believe in any freedoms.  They don't want to coexist with others. It is not a matter of us not understanding Muslims!!  It is impossible to understand people who want to kill in the name of Allah.

How do we stop more attacks from happening in the West?  Keeping our southern border porous is not the answer.  This has made it easier for Muslim jihadists to cross our border.

The West needs to wake up!!!  We are in a fight for freedom against Muslim Jihadists.


  1. You're such loon, Teresa.

    Get your chickens and eggs straight. Colonialism and Cheap Labor demands are what bring these sorts of immigration. Multiculturalism is just a way to deal with it. Ethnic nationalism - I assume your preference - is another way of dealing with it. But to say multiculturalism created the immigration is stupid. Money makes the world go 'round, Teresa, not good intentions.


  2. Jersey,

    You are wrong. These Muslim radicals don't care about the wage. They just care about avenging Allah.

    Money has made the world go round for ages. Multiculturalism is a new idea and has brought about serving immigrants and being blind to certain negative aspects of immigrants. Immigrants today know where multiculturalism is practiced. Certain immigrants increase migration to those countries. and know they can take advantage of citizens and vie to be pandered to.

    Open borders allows easy access to these countries with basically no accountability so immigrants can take advantage of that.

  3. What borders are you talking about?


  4. Jersey,

    Borders within Europe. Possibly borders of countries in between Europe and the immigrants homeland.

    Plus in the original post I talk about the southern border of the U.S.

  5. You mean the borders the Europeans crossed to colonize those countries and then bring them in as cheap labor?

    Get some friggin' reality for once, teresa. My God, you're so full of hate for the little guy and sycophancy for the people who have the money that actually makes the world go round in the first place. Grow a f'n moral spine. See things for what they are. It's not as simple as "close the border," you silly person. That's just what FOX news tells common morons. In fact, we've had pretty much NET ZERO illegal immigration to this country since 2007! Europe hasn't had much more either. It's not that they're flooding in anywhere. THE IMMIGRANTS ARE ALREADY LONG SINCE THERE - AND HERE. YOU STUPID CONS AND YOUR IMPERIAL DEMANDS ARE WHY THIS HAPPENS.


  6. Jersey,

    I can't have a decent conversation with someone who is filled with hate, has lost perspective, and has a twisted sense of reality and history. Come back when you get a grip on reality.

  7. Multiculturalism works as long as you live in a free country where people can be paid to preach stupid ideas like multiculturalism. In the real world, some cultures are good, some are evil.

  8. Amen, sis. Acceptance of EVERYTHN is a reeeeelly bad idea ...and the filthy rich who don't care about our RITEs only wanna look-out for themselves. Whatever You want, Jesus, is what I want. But, yet, thank God! we have a God who loves U.S. so #@!! passionately, He'll stoop down and rescue the mortal sinner -IF- we just ask!!! alas! How can we when the gang-bangers and Meth Heads are infiltrating our schools?? Exactly why we must pray, pray, pray ...and why I came back from the dead. Looky here...

    Frankly, I wouldn't be tooo worried about what the bionic, bloated, whorizontal world thot about me, dear; I'd be much more concerned about what Jesus shall say at our General Judgment. You may not like me now, yet, I’m not out to please you, girl. Lemme wanna gonna tella youse Who (grrr - New Joisey accent):

    Greeting, earthling. Not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like for us if ya believe: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most extra-blatant, catch-22-excitotoxxins, guhroovaliciousnessly delicious, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Reality-Firepower-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué, eternal-real-McCoy-warp-drive you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-rrrock’nNsmmmokin’-hot-deal: PLEASE KEEP HANDS/FEET INSIDE THE WIDE UNTIL WE MADE A CIRCUMFERENCE OF the OUTSTANDING, NEVER-ENDING, THRILLIONTH-RED-MARKER-POSSIBILITIES!!! Puh-leeeze meet me Upstairs. Do that for us. Cya soon, girl…
