Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hitler Responds to Obama's State of the Union Address

H/T to The Right Guy for this hilarious video.


  1. I love whoever is doing these! Who knew,ever knew, that we can lauhg AT Hitler who is after all the real head (phosthumously) of the progressive movement?

    By the way,,
    Did you see the one about the Dallas Cowboys loss? Hilarious as well!

  2. Cool, Hitler strikes again. Funny how one dictator and nazi turns on another.

  3. It's been a long long time since I felt sorry for Hitler. Poor bastard rested all of his nuts on Obama's chin.

  4. Christopher,
    These Hitler videos are great! I haven't seen the one about the Cowboys loss. I'll have to see that one.

  5. Amusing Bunni,
    Progressives seem to turn on one another very easily.

  6. Odie,
    Hitler is really taking a beating from Obama.

  7. Damn those Teabaggers! Hahahaha It's getting hard to keep up with these Hitler videos, but I enjoy all of them. Too funny!

  8. This is clearly the most flexible scene ever filmed. The cool thing is that it never gets old. These things have been being made for a couple of years now.

  9. William,
    The Hitler videos are all quite humorous.

  10. Matt,
    These Hitler videos with their different commentaries are hilarious.

  11. The entire country was focused on President Obama's State of the Union address this week. I have nothing original to add to the discussion other than my view that it seems the prez is trying to jump start his faltering administration. A lot of "the experts" are at the moment dismissing this White House as dead in the water. If they had any concept of history they would know better. Many presidents in the past got off to a bad start. If George W. Bush were judged only on his first year in office, he would today be remembered as one of the worst Chiefs Executive in American history....

    [Long, awkward pause]

    Okay, maybe that's not a good example. Let me try again....

    Jack Kennedy had a fairly shaky start in his first year (Remember the Bay of Pigs?) and yet he turned out to be pretty good at the job. A year from now will find us at the half way point of Obama's first (I hope) term. Let's see what happens between now and then.

    NOTE TO THE LIBERALS: To abandon all faith in this president now would not only be foolish, it would be a half-step away from insanity. Chill!

    Tom Degan

  12. Haaaa Haaaa Haaaa, that is so funny, good one

  13. Tom,
    We patriots will be keeping a vigiliant and watching out for happenings and policies going on in this administration.

  14. Teeluck,
    These videos are indeed humorous.
