Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rush Limbaugh's Letter to Obama

Here is a letter written by Rush Limbaugh to Barack Obama. He read it out loud on his radio program. Its a great letter. I hope Obama takes his advice. Enjoy!!

I found this wonderful video via The Conservative Lady.


  1. I reposted this with H/T. I heard it live...

  2. Right Guy,
    Thanks for the link luv.

  3. I too linked this - thanks for sharing!

  4. I normally don't listen to long videos, but Rush kept my attention. He really stuck it to Obama and told him how the cow ate the cabbage.

  5. Amen, Rush, Amen ! Thank you Teresa for making this available. The old "Dust" man had the tools roaring and only heard the last minute. You brought me up to date.

  6. The nincompoop narcissist will NEVER listen, which is typical. God Bless Rush, this is a great letter.
    Thanks for posting this, Sweetie!

  7. Great vid

    Can't say I'm a big fan of Limbaugh but it's hard to disagree with him on this.

  8. I heard this live too..

    Want a good laugh? Head on over to my place, I've got a post including a letter from Huffington Post in response to Limbaugh's letter. It's a classic.
