Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Thoughts on The State of the Union Address

Here are Thoughts on both Obama's speech and Bob McDonnell's speech.

I hope that Obama and the Congress do focus primarily on job creation. But, with policies like Cap & Trade and Government run health care, I fear that they will be job killers. Obama played the blame game on many fronts. This has to stop!! There has been no president in history that has played the blame game so much like Obama has over the past year. He is such a freaking crybaby. Waaa!! Waaa!! That is not acting presidential, but rather like a whiny child. It is clear that the first stimulus failed. The Stimulus did not produce any new jobs. This country has lost around 2.8 million more jobs since the Porkulus was signed by Obama. Obama thinks that the economy is doing better and that we are out of a recession. That is a bunch of hooey. Is Obama living in some delusion? Or a quasi-reality? Just recently, there have been two bad signs that the economy has not recovered from this awful recession- the biggest decline in existing home sales in over 40 years. Existing home sales fell 17% and new home sales dropped more than expected, also. These are not signs of a recovery!! Obama is obviously not living in reality. Maybe, its wishful thinking on his part?

I thought Bob McDonnell's Republican response was quite impressive. He looked and sounded top notch. He talked about the common ground between Democrats and Republicans, while also pointing out the substantial differerences in policies like national security.  McDonnell also pointed out how Republicans have offered common sense alternatives to the Democrats health care bills. I love how McDonnell invoked Jefferson in his speech -- “It was Thomas Jefferson,” McDonnell said, “who called for ‘A wise and frugal government which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry .... and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.’ He was right. Today, the federal government is simply trying to do too much.” I can't wait to hear more in the future from Bob McDonnell.


  1. I agree with you about McDonnell. He may very well be a star in the future of American politics. He seemed sincere and presented some seriously good points - like the references to and apparent understanding of the Founders. That's the kind of person I know I'm looking for...

    He had a better speech and carried himself better than did Jindal last year. I'm sure the setting helped some, but I've heard and seen Jindal in other interviews and he has an uncomfortable cadence. I sometimes worry the same cadence issues may be an issue for Sarah Palin.

    Obama clearly is not coming center as did Clinton in '94. He's clearly determined to ram health care down our throats one way or another, and this concept that he's helped the job base is a farce (as I describe in my post, you may have seen).

    I have no doubt that he lives in a bubble, has surrounded himself with a bunch of "yes men" and only watched MSNBC and only reads Huffington Post.

  2. Did you notice the job numbers he cited 1,500? How many billions did we spend? Why not put people to work rebuilding the world trade center? Or even better get out of the way.

  3. 1500? That's how many Czars he hired. I smell a rat.

  4. Teresa, Liberals don't know how a job is created. Tax cuts to business, big and small, would help them compete on the world market.

    You do know how to tell when Obugger is lying don't you ? When his lips are moving !

  5. I'm convinced that BO just doesn't get the vision of America that most Americans cherish. He is hell bent on recreating it in via his own progressive agenda.

    The photo is spot on, BTW.

  6. Soloman,
    I think your right about Jindal. I like him and his views but he's not very inspiring-- at least that's one thing Palin's got over Jindal. Loved your post showing Alito responding to Obama's blasting the court case and everyone else's free speech rights. I don't doubt that Obama lives in a bubble either.

  7. Trestin,
    Rebuilding the Trade Center is sn eccellent idea for a job producer!!

  8. Nickie,
    Sounds about right. There seems to be a lot of filth in this administration.

  9. Odie,
    You are correct! I love the joke. Unforuntately, it is oh so true.

  10. Cube,
    He is hell bent on remaking America and shredding our constitution in the process. I thought the picture described BO perfectly.

  11. Excellent analysis, Teresa. How much torture we had to endure watching this lying crybaby! He makes me sick.
    Have a super fun saturday, I'm recovering from all the fun I had yesterday. Hearing Lech Walensa, a REAL NOBEL Prize winner and freedom fighter, speak was great. Then we went and partied at the "billy goat" cheezeborger, cheezeborger, wish you were there ;-)
