Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Remembering The March For Life -- Abortion is Murder Part 1

I have very fond memories of attending the March For Life. I always enjoyed attending the March and loved the opportunity to express my voice of discontent and outrage to a government that legalized the murder of innocent human beings. I started attending the March For Life with my Mom when I was in 7th grade and continued to go through high school, rode on a bus starting at midnight from Steubenville in college, and even attended a March for Life with my husband after returning to Maryland. This is one of my passions. I know that the unborn baby is alive and killing the baby is murder. But, out of selfishness our government promotes the killing of vulnerable unborn babies out of a so-called "choice." Our government has given into the devil. Any government that allows the murder of innocent unborn babies is EVIL and promoting EVIL and allowing EVIL to happen. We must stop this INFANTICIDE!!!! We must stop future generations from being murdered. We must keep on fighting the good fight against this evil government that authorizes and promotes the new slavery- ABORTION. We must continue to speak up and fight so that Roe vs. Wade is overturned. I wasn't able to go on the March for Life because of college classes but I did attend the Virtual March for life and find these video for you to see. This is the first of two posts on abortion and the March for Life.

Here are examples of two different ways abortions are performed:

Fr. Frank Pavone explains a suction abortion

Dismemberment Abortion

Let us continue to fight to stop abortion. 


  1. I hadn't heard about Tebow until a couple weeks ago. That is awesome!! Its great that he and his mom will be in an ad during the Super Bowl.

  2. Every year, the number of people opposing abortion grows. Goodness will win out over evil.

  3. It's out now. Watch out. Did you read the article I posted? If you can believe it, a law student said he should do that. I guess free speech isn't for everyone.

  4. The first thing we need to do is rescind our President's first executive order that allows US aid funds to be used for abortion outside the US (The Mexico City Policy). What an ugly, ugly act for a President.

    I'm waiting for a Republican President that will make the recension his first act.

    Thanks for this Teresa. It's a passionate post with informing videos.

  5. Thank you for posting this Teresa. The videos of how an abortion is performed made my blood run cold. If Planned Parenthood showed this video to their clients, I think many of them would walk out. I am going to share your post on my Facebook page (linked back to you).

  6. Maggie,
    I would go as far as saying that was an evil act. Your right, we need a pro-life president to reverse this senseless murder.

  7. Conservative Lady,
    Thanks for the linkback. Thanks for spreading the truth. I think you'll like part 2 of this post-coming hopefully later today.

  8. Tebow is one of our golden boys here in Florida. Isn't he something?

    OK, OK, my alma mater is USF, but when my Bulls are out of commission, I will root for another Florida boy or girl anytime.

    I hope his commercial ends up in the Super Bowl and I can't wait to see where he ends up in the NFL.

  9. It never ceases to amaze me how killing a living "organism" with a beating heart, differentiated body parts, etc. is not considered murder. Especially in light of laws, at least in Arizona, that make it a more serious crime for murdering someone who is pregnant. (Teresa, not in the case we emailed about).

  10. I remember when Roe-v-Wade passed and the very moment life was made dirt cheap by an all too liberal era. I was a liberal at the time but was totally against it and took up the topic on our high school debate team. People at Church asked me what had happened to me. They thought I was crazy to be against abortion. “People make mistakes” I was told. “No” I said, “People make poor choices and the cost is murder and it’s wrong.” My pastor at the time admonished me for saying that to an elder of the Church. I refused to apologize. I told the pastor, “If he thinks abortion is ok and not offensive to God, then it must have been you who taught him that and therefore it’s time for me to leave this Church.” And I did. I will never vote for anyone who feels it’s ok to abort a child.

  11. What amazes me the most is that many of the people that fight so hard for abortion, were the same people that 40 years ago were calling the U.S. military baby killers.

  12. Teresa you are one that puts your money where your mouth is. Sadly most don't. Some talk a good game, but most never carry a sign or walk the walk. Because of health reasons I get out very little but my thoughts and prayers are with you on this issue. Like you I know abortion is murder!

  13. Abortion is murder. I wish all little babies had loving advocates from the start. I am horrified for the doomed little ones growing in the wombs of murderers.

  14. Cube,
    Tebow is awesome!! I hope CBS airs the ad.

  15. Velcro,
    It is despicable. It doesn't make sense.

  16. Eman,
    Thanks for sharing your experience with dealing with a misguided pastor and how you became a convert to conservatism.

  17. Trestin,
    That is utterly ridiculous.

  18. Ron,
    We all must work in our different ways to rid the world of this senseless murder of innocent human beings.

  19. It's worse than the fact they are murderers, it's that they believe in the ownership of other humans, over which they retain the right of omnipotence. Farm animals fair better.

  20. Opie,
    It is horrifying to think that living beings will never be given the chance to continue living outside the womb.
