Sunday, March 7, 2010

SNL Goes After Harry Reid & the "Deeply Unpopular" Health Care Bill

SNL Health Care
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H/T goes to Hot Air Pundit


  1. You know Teresa it was a little soft as far as satire goes, but if SNL is starting to throw some jabs at Obama and this healthcare bill then you know it's not good. With NBC using all their power to push the agenda of this administration, I suppose every now and then they have to throw a few light jabs like this so they don't lose all their viewership. Good post.

  2. That was great, too bad the Kool-Aide drinking SNL viewers thought it was an attempt at humor instead of the truth...

  3. sigh..the disillusionment is hard to bear at times...but we must keep up the fight my friend!

  4. Good find Teresa. Wouldn't it be nice if they could really speak the truth?
