Saturday, March 6, 2010

Three Reasons Why Obama's High-Speed Rail Will Go Nowhere Fast


  1. Chris W,
    Only 3 mentioned here. But, I am sure that there are more reasons.


  2. Teresa,
    As usual, we can count on you to cut out the BS and inform us as to what really is going on... One of those trains is slated to be here in Florida... That's part of the thrill going up Charlie Crist's leg... Too bad that thrill is going to turn to urin and the warm feeling will quickly subside once Marco Rubio becomes the next senator from Florida...

  3. Those are the two dumbest nimrods on the face of this Earth !

  4. Here's one..stage 2 of the Florida "money train" morons will have to fight people in my area and possibly me over imminent domain as they are going to need land to run the train down the East Coast of Florida which is the most populated part, especially here in S.E FL. According to the map included in the proposal, it looks like it will be in my neighborhood. The idiot republicans passed this after Florida voters overturned it as a constitutional amendment via referendum in 2004. That took more than a simple majority vote and now voters are furious here. I kept warning everyone that Charlie Crist is a scumbag. Now, he's BHO's boytoy too.

  5. By the way, don't hedge your bets on Rubio winning either. Political insiders here know our new "annointed one" has "looming financial irregularities" that the Democrats are going to use to crucify Rubio with after he beats Crist in the primary. Rubio is also closer to Scott Brown R MA than he is to Ronald Reagan. Rubio supported the "train to nowhere" just like Crist.


  7. High-speed trains are just something that sounds good, but nothing more. For the most part people just don't ride trains today. They are big in Europe, but not here in the states, but then its the liberals dream to adopt European models for everything. We have the best system in the world and these jerks just can't see it because they are blinded by their lust for power.

  8. Great post Teresa.

    I think we have a better chance of finding a "magic carpet" than this thing getting off the ground.

  9. Don't forget to tell Arnold he is not a Democrat. As a republican, he is firmly behind HSR in CA.

  10. The Born Again American,
    I think that Crist is going to lose both the thrill running up his leg and his re-election.

  11. Odie,
    Their so dumb its beyond the pale.

  12. Andrew33,
    Fight them all the way on this stupid rail system going through your neighborhood. What a freaking waste of money. Rubio is still better than Crist. Everyone makes mistakes in their past. If Rubio's smart and comes clean with Floridians now, before a big story breaks in Florida I think that he still has a chance of winning in Florida.

  13. Ron,
    Your right. The politicians are blinded by the lust for power.

  14. John Carey,
    I hope so. These Libs seem to come up with the looniest and most wasteful projects.

  15. Ted,
    Arnold is a progressive Republican. I won't mind telling him that. The fight is against progressives-both Republicans and Democrats.

  16. When we lived in the US we would always use the car to drive long distances (the bus and train were good value locally). This is simple economics - petrol (gas) is incredibly cheap in the USA, as is the cost of insuring and maintaining a vehicle.

    There is a possibility, some say a probability, that things are going to change in the coming decades. If the era of cheap oil is coming to an end then I'm afraid many of us who love our cars and the freedom it gives us are going to have to accept that public (mass) transport will feature in our futures. IMO the planning has to start now.

    I disagree that intercity train travel does not reduce the number of car journeys. Many cities have underground trains and buses so you can conclude your journey using those or you can walk. If all the people who used the train in England suddenly took to their cars there would be gridlock. Obviously we are far more densely populated than the US but it does prove that trains can make a real difference.

    Interesting post!

  17. Nice cut and post of GOP talking points, followed by dipsheet comments. "Their so dumm" indeed....

  18. Jumpin' Jack,
    Its nice that you proved when liberals have no basis for an argument you make the dumbest remarks/attacks.

  19. Cambridge Lady,
    I do think that it is possible the high-speed rail could reduce congestion to a degree, but I don't think it would help enough to justify the amount of money that it would take to build the rail system.

    Your right. If cheap oil ends than we will have to look for different modes of transportation and this railway system maybe a way of tackling the issue before the problem arises. If the government and oil companies/refineries would just tap into some of that oil that's in the U.S. there wouldn't be as much of a problem.

  20. I really hope you're right about Rubio. I hope that what I have been told is going to come out about his activities is wrong. I warned people long ago that Crist was bad news. I'd vote for a Dem, a 3rd party or not at all before I'd vote for Crist. Wednesday, Crist is having the leadership of CAIR (a political wing of Hamas/Hezbollah) to speak before himself and the Florida legislature. Yes, It's MUSLIM DAY!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!?!? I really hope Alan West and Ed Lynch win too. I'm working for both campaigns, by the way. I've been really looking into Rubio, and when my questions have been answered, I will be happy to give Rubio my full support.
    High speed rail is big in Europe because the infrastructure for rails was left largely intact after WW2. As the Allies retook Europe from the Nazis after Normandy, the rails were rebuilt for the military to use as supply lines. So, when the Marshall Plan was instituted, the rails were expanded upon. Cities in Europe that were first built in the middle ages, don't have roads wide enough to handle cars. They already had the rails built into those cities, so the cheapest thing to do was to build high speed rails. In Japan and China, there is so much land that is hugely mountainous, that roads are very hard to build, but rail is much easier to build through rough terrain, and in Japan, after WW2, rails were far easier to rebuild than roads so as high speed rail tech became viable, it was the easiest and cheapest method for high speed transit across Japan. So, rails actually make sense in Europe, and Asia, but European Nations, and Japan are no bigger in size than our States. Their big cities are relatively close to each other. Here in America, the distance from Key west to Pensacola via road (the only areas that are available for methods of travel to utilize without laying a finger on the untouchable Everglades) is very close to the difference between Paris and Berlin. So it's going to take a little more work and cost just a tad more money to build a rail infrastructure across this country that does not currently exist. Now, last time I checked, money only seems to be in plentiful supply in foreign countries and the printing presses in DC, so unless we intend to start up our steel and manufacturing industries again, we will have to buy all the parts for the rail from foreign countries with money that does not, nor will not exist, as if foreign countries will be willing to take our money by the time this insane project is slated to begin. What nobody is asking is why are Florida Contractors capable of building such things are totally unwilling to even consider going near this project. So when they say that this money we received for this help our economy. Here's some news for anybody stupid enough to believe this. All the money for this will likely go to out of state contractors, not helping our economy at all. So, ultimately, Florida taxpayers will have to pay for 3/4ths of a boondoggle project to out of state contractors for a project that roughly 3/4ths of the voters voted against in 2004. Recently old statements made by the Botoxinator (Nancy Pelosi) about "draining the swamp" have a new meaning as they really intend to drain Floridians of any money they still have.
