Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chris Christie Confronts Heckler

Chris Christie is great the way he takes on and handles the rude heckler.

H/T Gateway Pundit


  1. Christie has no fear. He'll confront the left, and their useful idiots. I hope he runs for POTUS one day.

  2. I love this man! It is too bad he is not running in 2012 because he is exactly what our nation needs right now. I'm personally tired of the same ole GOP field.

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  4. I hope she's our next Governor in California.

  5. I wish we had more politicians like Christie.

  6. Christie is a man of great, deep conviction, knows who he is, where he stands and takes no prisoners!

  7. I hope he runs for POTUS also. He is the man! I hope that Whitman is the next governor of CA also. With people like us spreading the word hopefully conservatism will make a big comeback in November.
