Saturday, September 25, 2010

Power Back On, Power OFF, Power ON AGAIN - YEA!!!

Yesterday, I returned home and to my chagrin I found that my power was out, yet again.  This was really, really annoying.  Geesh, I was planning on hitting all of my usual blogs, and couldn't again. Is this some conspiracy or something? LOL!  Well, off to commenting. I hope everyone had a great Friday night!


  1. My Friday night was well lit, thank you. It is a conspiracy. Bunni's blog is still down. She's been hit with some "nasties" from the left. I'm going to investigate.

  2. Sorry to hear of the problem Teresa, that is very annoying to be sure.

    I hope Bunni is ok, I emailed her but have yet to get a response.

  3. I put a magnet on my dog's tail and it took down the whole grid. Sorry 'bout that.

  4. Well, glad it is back on for you. Have a good weekend.

  5. Odie,

    It sure seems like it. That sucks. I hope she gets it taken careof shortly. I'll have to email Bunni and see how she's doing.


    A pain, but I am thankful it's over now. Have a good weekend:)

  6. Innominatus,

    LMAO!! Good one! Thanks for the humor.

    Just a Conservative Girl,

    Thank you. Have a good weekend also.
