Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Miracle of Life

HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid has provided services to a growing number of individuals and families since 1973. HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid has just opened a new crisis pregnancy center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Here is an awesome and truly amazing video called The Miracle of Life:

Here are the services which HELP Crisis Pregnancy Aid provides:

  • Pregnancy Tests: Free and confidential pregnancy tests are available upon request.

  • Limited Ultrasound Services: A certified technician may be available in specified situations.

  • Maternity Clothing Program: Pregnant women periodically have the opportunity to select maternity clothing.

  • Layette Program: Women, just prior to giving birth, are provided a layette which contains baby essentials which enable the mother to feel prepared to take the baby home.

  • Loving Arms Program: Expectant & recent mothers are offered the option to view instructional DVDs which address the current needs of that particular client. Topics include health, sexual integrity, child care and development, to name just a few. After giving birth, this incentive-based program guarantees the client points that are exchanged for baby and personal care items that can be chosen by the new mother in our “Loving Arms Boutique.”

  • Emergency Material Assistance Program: Provisions of new and like-new baby items, including baby formula, food, diapers, clothing, and other essentials to support their baby’s unique needs are offered on a monthly basis until the child is two years of age.

  • Community Resource Links: Clients are linked to community resources related to pre- and postnatal care, housing, adoption, food pantries, and legal or social services.

  •           H/T HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid