Sunday, October 16, 2011

Eagle Freedom Linkarama

Instead of doing my Eagle Freedom Links today I have decided to do something a little different.  This is partially due to my not having enough time to do my links and due to my health situation.

John from Sentry Journal has posted an important message that Judge Napolitano had for the Occupy Wall Street Protesters.  The only thing I disagree about is Judge's implication that if people are for the defense of our nation when there is an imminent threat or even a perceived imminent threat to our freedom and people are for defending those threats by having wars in those countries which threaten our freedom that that makes a person anti-liberty or anti-freedom.  What would have happened if we had ignored Hitler?  I would equate the threat of Muslim extremists with that of Hitler.

The Lonely Conservative highlights some good aspects of Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan.  Overall I like his plan but I do have concerns with starting a new tax, a national sales tax.

Atlas Shrugs informs us that Con Ed is will evict the Mosqueteer. This is great news!  The Ground Zero Mosqueteer is a deadbeat who has failed to pay back loans, back taxes and pay his rent.  He tried to get taxpayers to foot the bill but thank goodness didn't get what he requested.  The man obviously needs to find a new line of work, one where he can pay his own bills.

The Daley Gator lets us know that the Nazi Party has endorsed the Occupy Wall Street Protest.  I have seen evidence of anti-semitism at the protest.

Not too far from where I live here in Pa we had a steel bridge stolen.  Your probably thinking how did someone or someones steal a whole bridge.  I thought the same thing when I first heard about this.  Yes, really a whole bridge was stolen.  Apparently two brothers used a blow-torch to steal the bridge and scored over $5000 by selling the scrap metal from their thievery.

Leaders of 20 Catholic organizations have signed a letter which was sent to both Congress and the Obama administration which declares that Obamacare needs to be reformed in order to protect conscience rights.  Thanks for standing up for everyone's conscience rights Catholic organizations.  This HHS mandate needs to be changed because it is against our religious liberty and civil rights.

More Than 2000 Military Chaplains Say "No" To Homosexual "Marriage"  

There is no such thing as homosexual "marriage".  It is against the natural law.

Christian students at Messiah College react to Frances Fox-Piven's address.   I couldn't believe what she actually admitted about the Tea Party at the end of the video.

Matt of Conservative Hideout shows a video showing a great moment in civil discourse.  The Tea Party meets Occupy Wall Street.  The way Occupy Wall Street protesters react shows just how much they truly believe in "diversity" and "tolerance".

A Catholic friar calls Catholic politicians who do nothing to stop abortion "liars"  I love it. Go Fr. Gregory CoiroO.F.M.Cap!!!  He called out "Catholic" politicians who don't vote like Catholics at all.  Keep on speaking up Father.  I'm behind you 100%. 

Ann Barnhardt responds to a death threat.  Her response is pure gold.  May God Bless her and keep her safe.  
 The Conservative Lady shows us that Obama knew about the troubles with Operation Fast and Furious earlier than Holder has admitted knowing of the fiasco.  Eric Holder is either a liar or is utterly incompetent, or both.  He's probably both.  He needs to resign.  

I am having my surgery tomorrow so I won't be around the next few days.  Have a great week, my friends. 

I will leave you with Ron Paul's powerful pro-life ad. 

H/T The Blaze 


  1. Best wishes and a prayer for you Teresa.

  2. Take care of yourself.
    Hope you are up and feeling better soon. Prayers sent your way.

    Very nice Ron Paul message.

  3. I'm sending my best wishes for a quick healing & recovery. My name will be among the many praying for your quick return.

  4. That is great add.

  5. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers everyone. Feeling better than I thought I would right after having surgery.

  6. Hope you feel better soon Teresa.
