Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hunkalicious - Shemar Moore


  1. T, let me know if hunk posts bring in traffic. Mine never do. David Beckham lies wasting away in the dusty reaches of my blog attic.

  2. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite shows...Derek is a hunk!

  3. Definitely a hunk!

    I watch Criminal Minds every week -- and the reruns that I find on cable channels, too. In fact, I think that I've seen each old episode multiple times.

  4. Dang, Opus, if David Beckham ends up wasting away in your attic who else could possibly draw blog traffic? LOL!

    I'll let you know if my hunk posts draw traffic.

  5. Christine & Always On Watch,

    Yes, Shemar (a.k.a Derek) is a hunk. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite shows. Love watching new episodes plus reruns of old episodes.

    I may have to find a way to record Criminal Minds while I watch a special preview of "Touch" starring Kiefer Sutherland. At least I think they will be airing the same time. Ever since having seen 24 Kiefer has been one of my favorite actors.
