Monday, January 23, 2012

Attack On Religious Liberty: Obama Administration Gives Non-Profit Groups One Year To Violate Consciences

Obama Administration's attack on the Catholic Church is an attack on everyone's religious liberty.

Under Obamacare all hospitals including non-profit and religious hospitals will be required to provide no-cost contraceptives including the birth control pill, morning after pill, and sterilization services. The Obama administration has decided to give a one year exemption to some non-profit groups on religious grounds but after the year ends they will be required to provide the above mentioned contraceptive benefits. This is yet another example of Obama and progressives working to undermine the Constitution and of them violating our Constitutional liberties.

Archbishop of New York and Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan met personally with President Obama to talk about this matter. Dolan said this was the president’s way of saying, "we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences."

There is an exception but Archbishop Dolan says it’s too narrow. Donohue agreed calling it a catch-22 because only if you’re a Catholic university, hospital, any non-profit organization that services and hires only Catholics, then that institution can be exempt. “One of the great things about the Catholic Church is the catholic with the small ‘c’, it means universal. We service people who are not Catholic. We always have since the immigrants in this country going back hundreds of years ago.”

This is another example of Obama saying one thing and then doing the opposite, essentially saying to the person or group screw you.  He doesn't give a crap that you have different beliefs than he does.  So much for tolerance.  Obama and progressives are the most intolerant of all, shoving their secularist immorality down our throats. It has become evident that he was lying when he promised Catholics that he would respect their "conscience rights" when he delivered his commencement address at Notre Dame in 2009. Of course citizens have become so accustomed to Obama lying he has been dubbed the Liar-in-Chief.


  1. Obama has never cared about Christians, their beliefs and the sanctity of life, so this arbitrary decision is not surprising at all. I just hope that when the time comes, these non-profit organizations will find a loop-hole to avoid violating their consciences.

  2. The simple truth Teresa is that the only religion Obama really respects is the muslim or churches like rev. Wright's that spew something other than Christianity!

  3. One more "group" he shows he cares not about.. He must be gone this November.

  4. The only good news about this terrible decision is that more people will open their eyes to Obama's obvious distain for Christians.

  5. We could see this coming. I wouldn't expect any less from a lying Marxist.

  6. Deeper down is the issue of government having wormed its way into every last corner of our lives. Take government money (and there is no way not to in the hospital industry) and you dance to the government's tune.

    That is how government expands the public sphere and contracts private sovereignty. The goal of progressivism is to make everything public and therefor subject to statist diktats.

  7. For the record, since I am Catholic, I would rather see the church divest itself of the hospitals than to violate core beliefs. I shudder at the alternative

  8. A lot of Catholics voted for obama, perhaps after this they'll think twice at the next election.
