Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sen. Rand Paul Talks With Glenn Beck About TSA Detainment After He Refused Pat Down

The TSA gropes grandmas, children, and senators while the real terrorists are planning new ways to skirt around our ludicrous security measures.  The U.S. government has no right to authorize the sexual assault of those who simply want to fly a plane.  If the machine picks people at random as Rand Paul suspects the X-ray scanners are useless pieces of equipment. I do think he is correct about that since the first time he went through he was tagged by the machine for a pat down and the second time he wasn't. When something is being used indiscriminately and isn't targeted to the problem, like who may or may not pose a threat, then the machine is doing more harm than good giving people a false sense of security.  What a useless piece of junk.


  1. It's nothing more than government controlled legalized molestation.

  2. Maybe if we all started to refuse those evasive "pat-downs" and the airlines began to lose a lot of money, they would re-think their groping methods.

    Odie, has made a very valid point.

  3. I'm all the more convinced that this has nothing to do with security, and is a way to condition people. It serves no other purpose.

  4. We need protection against unreasonable search and seizure.

  5. Finally someone is speaking out that might make a differnece.

  6. The way it's going now, we're all going to have to go buck naked through airports.

    I understand there are security concerns and most people out there want these sorts of measures to keep us safe. However i think asking for re-screening and exempting small children from groping in particular is quite reasonable.

  7. "Maybe if we all started to refuse those evasive "pat-downs" and the airlines began to lose a lot of money, they would re-think their groping methods."

    I doubt that can be arranged, however you're on the right track, i think we can all at least ask for a second screening and bitch and moan about it all the way through. It probably won't work, but there is always the wear-down effect.

  8. The TSA has to justify the manpower they employ. I too, think the machines are rigged to give an occasional alarm. They will, however, never admit to that!
