My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- Air Supply Edition -- 2-12-12
The past few weeks I have felt sooo tired. It is probably due to some medicine I'm taking. That is the main reason I haven't done a Eagle Freedom Links post or the mini version lately. Plus, I'm on the hunt for a better job.
Zilla of Zilla Of The Resistance has moved her blog to a new site so please be sure and visit her new blog soon and often.
About a week or so ago we had the HHS decision mandating that all non-profit organizations provide contraception, sterilization procedures and abortion inducing pills even though that violates the conscience and religious liberty of citizens. Another sign that Obama is an anti-constitutional tyrant who is imposing his beliefs (or lack thereof) on the American people. He is morally bankrupt IMO. We must fight together against this unjust mandate.
Some questions: Who is your choice to be the GOP nominee out of those presently running? If you could pick who would have been your choice for GOP nominee, excluding those presently running? What are the characteristics you look for in a President? Do you have any prayer requests? If so, please do mention and myself as well as the rest of the conservative bloggers will keep your prayer intentions in our thoughts and prayers.
Don't Tread On Us - Dear Mayor Bloomberg
A Pissed Off Irishmen - King Obama Encouraging Abortion!
Acts Of The Apostasy - Obama's Contraception Compromise...
Verum Serum - The Santorum Sweep Becomes The Santorum Surge
Always On Watch - How Is This A Compromise?
Anonymous Political Scientist - Andrew Breitbart Announces He Has College Video Of Young Obama's Radical Perspective
BBCW - Not So Fast Mitt Romney, Maine Isn't Yours Yet: Ron Paul Points Out The Flaw In Appointing Romney The Winner
Biblical Conservatism - In 2012, Conservatives are Still the Center
Blue's Blog - The Fist Of God...
Capitalist Preservation - If They Only had a Brain
Commentarama - Government Dependence Is Killing America
Creative Minority Report - WH: We are Done Negotiating With Catholics
Divinity Diva - Keep Calm and Catholic On!
AlwaysCatholic - Sofia has an URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for one of our own here at AlwaysCatholic,com
Battle Beads Blog - We Cannot - We Will Not - Comply With This Unjust Law
Greg Mankiw's Blog - Semantics at the Highest Level
Hack Wilson - Should Women be Allowed in Combat? Those who say Yes put Women in Harm's Way
Innominatus - Irritation of the Day
Just a Conservative Girl - Sarah Palin Rocks CPAC
Left Coast Rebel - Contraception, Health Care, and the Constitution
Legal Insurrection - The Asphyxiation of an Industry
Liberty At Stake - Sign Me Up!
Lone Star Parson - More Guns Please!
Obama Cartoons - Barack Obama and Religious Freedoms
Pedaling Fast - Where in the World
Give Me Liberty - Army Goes Rolling Again Song
Conservatives On Fire - US Debt _ Who's Holding The Bag?
Proof Positive - Happy Lincoln's Birthday!
Pundit & Pundette - Video: Daniel Hannan at CPAC
Freedom By The Way - NY Times Says The Constitution is "Terse & Old".
QUICKWIT - Little Walter....
The Conservative Lady - It's Unacceptable!
The Scottcarp Dream - Halftime in America: Remy Chrysler Ad Parody
Wyblog - Obama Contraception "Compromise" is Worse than the Original Mandate
Sentry Journal - Has Compromise Become a Placebo for the Ignorant?
The Country Thinker - The Eagle Has Crashed Episode 1: Prologue
Conservative Hideout - Parents are Apparently Unqualified To Make Decisions on School Choice
Da Tech Guy - Andrew Breitbart Answers a Question on Citizens United's Occupod Movie
Zilla Of The Resistance - The Other Victims of the Abortion Industry
Thanks for the link Teresa. We very much appreciate it.