Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trashes U.S. Constitution; Says It's Not a Good Model for Other Countries...

Justice Ginsburg thinks that Egypt represents a genuine democracy. Huh? She also said that she doesn't think the U.S. Constitution would be a good model for other countries seeking to form a new constitution today. She lauds the constitution in South Africa, though.  Which constitution do you think that she follows as a supreme court justice? She is a progressive so knows....  At around the eight minute mark or so on the video you can hear Ginsburg trashing our constitution.  Maybe she should step down from her position as a supreme court justice, where she is supposed to uphold and defend the constitution that she holds it in such low regard.

Here is a pop quiz on the constitution:


  1. Oh come on Teresa, we all know the Constitution is just a guide.

  2. So many now in the chorus to stuff the Constitution. Amazing insn't it.

  3. she definitely step down...hopefully after Barry is gone, and a Republican president can appoint her replacement :)
