Friday, September 7, 2012

Mini Eagle Freedom Links - Hysterectomy Sept. 10, Republican Catholic Minded Politicians, Movie Recommendations


Since April of this year my endometriosis pain has increased to the point of being excruciating. Last October I had surgery to remove my endo and was really hoping it would give me relief for a longer period than it did. So with few options left I made a very important decision, to have a hysterectomy.  I will be having my surgery on Sept. 10 and will be spending at least one night in the hospital so after Sunday I'm not sure how long I will be out of commission from blogging and visiting blogs.  If you don't see a link for your blog here you will probably see it in my first Mini Eagle Freedom Links Posting this week.

Michael Voris points out how divided the Catholic Church is now - Paul Ryan Catholics versus Joe Biden Catholycs. He mentions how Republicans as far as morality goes are Catholic minded whereas the older generation of Catholics are not so Catholic minded, but in fact dissenting on certain doctrinal issues, therefore working to undermine the Church. Therefore that means Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden types of Catholics are NOT faithful Catholics.

Here are some movies I recommend you see:

I just saw the Act of Valor movie. This an excellent movie which shows our U.S. Navy Seals bravery and sacrifice for our country.

I first saw China Cry as a child with my mother. For some reason this movie had come to my mind recently. Then I saw it at a Christian store and just had to grab it up. I just saw it again a couple weeks ago. This is an extremely powerful and inspirational movie.

Joyful Noise is a very enjoyable movie to watch.

Adrienne's Corner -- It's Thursday ...

A Patriotic Rottweiler -- No Hope And No Change 

American Perspective -- OMG! 40% Massachusetts Adoptions Are To Homosexual Couples

American Power -- Democrat Values Are NOT American Values - 'How Will You Answer?' (Video)

America's Chronicle -- 2012-2016: What Is At Stake? 

ARRA News Service -- Democratic Platform: Obama Speaks Tonight

Blazing Cat Fur -- Caroline Kennedy Rails Against Catholic Doctrine On Abortion 

Blogsense-By-Barb -- Then... And Now? Any Better? 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 -- 2012 Turning Into Battle Between Successful And Bankrupt European Models? 

Conservatives On Fire -- Seeking The Limits Of Absurdity And Not Finding It 

Creative Minority Report -- Nun Channels Obama, Says Abortion "Beyond My Pay Grade" 

Eye Of Polyphemus -- Sandra Fluke As DNC Speaker Is No Fluke

Feed Your ADHD -- @BarackObama Finally Accomplished Something: He Blocked Me On Twitter 

Full Metal Patriot -- Video: Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech 

Hack Wilson -- 10 Interesting Facts About Mitt Romney 

Innominatus -- R R R R R R 

Jo-Joe Politico -- Talk About Bass-Ackward!

Just A Conservative Girl -- Democrats - The Party Of Tolerance - Video 

Legal Insurrection -- Branco Cartoon - God And Man At The DNC

Lone Star Parson -- The Debt 

Motor City Times -- Vladimir Putin Endorses Barack Obama 

NoOneOfAnyImport -- The Need To Post And Politics

Pedaling Fast -- I Knew Paul Ryan Would Rock It Last Night, And Of Course, He Did! 

Proof Positive -- New Democrat Convention Logo XX

Randy's Roundtable -- Kinky Haired Democrat Ditz Lies Again 

Right Klik - The Democrats' War on Women: Update: Video Added 

Saber Point -- Michelle Obama's Speech Was Filled With Distortions and Misrepresentations 

Sancte Pater -- Non-Physicians Allowed To Perform Abortions In California 

Self Evident Truths -- The Propaganda Schools Teach Our Children 

Sentry Journal -- My Opponent Hates Black People 

Sultan Knish -- My Abortion, 'Tis Of Thee 

The Audacity Of Logic -- Do You Know Me? 

The Country Thinker -- How Badly Is America's "Justice" System Hurting Us? 

The Libertarian Patriot -- TLP Quick Hits: Wayne Allen Root Quits Libertarian Party 

The Observatorium -- Stage-Dressing 

The Wisdom Of Soloman -- Mitt Romney, War Mongering Saber Rattler? 

The ScottCarp Dream -- Lest We Forget ... The War On Women, Clinton Style

The Catholic Knight -- Why Obama Is A Blessing To The U.S. Catholic Church 

We The People ... -- Quote Of The Day - The "True Badge Of Liberty" Edition 

Warning Signs -- The DNC's Orgy Of Lies And Hypocrisy 

Zilla Of The Resistance -- Safely Rest, God Is Nigh ...


  1. Teresa, since 1996 I have suffered from fibroids on my uterus and ovaries. It was extremely painful and I cried a lot in pain. In both of my pregnancies, it was horrific. Don't get me wrong carrying my babies was worth it, but not much the doctor's could do to relieve the pain and agony. I would curl up in a tight ball trying to relieve the pain, nothing worked.

    Finally, my gynecologist insisted it was time for a hysterectomy, because there was nothing they could do. So at the age of 33, I had one. I cried a long time with the loss of my womb and knowing I would never have anymore children.

    It will take six weeks of rest, my friend, so please do as the doctor says. However, I have heard they have made the surgeries easier than when I had one. I was sliced open from end to end of my tummy. Hopefully, that won't happen to you.

    It's going to be okay. I know it is a great loss, but the Lord will get you through this, I promise you.

    E-mail me if you need some prayer or support okay. You are not alone.

  2. Teresa - I'll keep you in my prayers for your upcoming surgery. I think you will be surprised at how much better you will feel. You've had the pain for so long you've forgotten what it feels like to feel good.

  3. Teresa, I'll will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am wishing you a Godspeed in healing also.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Tere.


  5. Teresa, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And like I said if you need anything please let me know.

  6. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Teresa. I will ask God to send you a special blessing.

  7. Thank you very much Leticia, Adriennne, Kathleen, Bob, John, John,and Randy.

    Leticia: I am so sorry that you had to go through so much pain. Happy to hear that you are much better since having the hysterectomy. I am 35. To be honest I've probably been on borrowed time since 2008. I had a super special surgery where a nerve was cut(presacral?) while the doc also did a combination of old and new type of endo surgery.

    My doctor told me my recovery would be either 4 or 8 weeks. Depending on whether he does a laparoscopy possibly even with some robot or has to cut me open with a big incision.

    Adrienne - I think you are correct. I can't wait to feel good again.

    John - I don''t think I need anything at least for now. We'll see how my recovery goes and that may determine whether I need to borrow or copy a posting or two.

    God Bless.

  8. Don't worry about us young lady. You just take care of yourself and get better. We'll see you when you're up to it.

  9. Teresa, I will be praying for you, sweetie.

    You seem to be handling this fairly well, and I am glad to hear it. :)

  10. This is in the Your not gonna believe what happened category of events. My husband wrote this for me -- Teresa Bummed Out – Surgery Delayed.

    This is just going to be a quick post, so I am using the Quick Press function for the first time. Two days ago Teresa let our readers know of her anxiety due to surgery, which was scheduled for the next day (yesterday, the 10th). We had to get up well before 5:00 AM in order to be at the Ambulatory Surgery center at West Penn at 6:00. When got there almost a half hour early we were told that her surgery was not scheduled for today and the surgeon could not be reached because he was taking a vacation day. Teresa was greatly distressed. We spent much of the rest of the morning trying to track down someone who could offer us an explanation for this absurd situation. By the time we got some breakfast into T’s belly, she could hardly eat. Her appetite was gone. When we got home we slept until mid-afternoon, and then we had to make the rounds of cell phone calls to family members, friends and neighbors who had called before the surgery to let us know that they were praying for us. Teresa wanted me to post an article yesterday, but I simply had no desire to blog about it. Today she reminded me that I agreed to write a post and then waited. And waited. I knew she wanted to blog. She always wants to blog. But she was waiting on me. So here it is – the post I agreed to publish. There are other things I want to write about, but I’ll save them for later.

    If was only that I was a bit bummed out I would probably be writing but yesterday I started having a migraine headache, sinus issue or something and major stomach issues. Hopefully I will be back to blogging soon.
