Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lights Out!

Kevin and I have been going through a really tough time the past few months.  Kevin lost his job.  I lost health insurance which I very much needed for medications and doctor visits. Going through the craziness of signing up for medical assistance is enough to make anyone go bonkers. The process and papers can be so confusing.  Lately we haven't been receiving important papers in the mail so our electricity has been shut off. Yes, lights are out.  We think it may have something to do with us having appealed how much we owe the bastards at our apartment complex and having it lowered a decent amount.  We have been living with disgusting bugs for three years.  There is mildew and so much other crap wrong with the apartment that the staff refused to address.  Plus just recently we had sewage come up a couple of the drains. Lovely... The owner of Brentshire Gardens is a friggin slum lord.  We are facing eviction but honestly I think it is a blessing in disguise.  This is the reason I have been absent lately.  Still dealing with health issues but that is an ongoing problem. I know God is with us even though we are going through a rough patch now.  Hope all of you are doing well. Bless you and hope to visit blogs soon.


  1. You and your family are in my prayers, Teresa

  2. Get the NASTIEST lawyer you can find. You know the ones. Sign a contract for 50/50 and let him loose. Revenge is sweet babe!

  3. I am distressed to see this terrible news. May God bless you and everyone connected to you, Teresa.

    Meanwhile, you might want to read The Machine Stops -- a novella by E. M. Forster first published in 1909.

    Very sadly, it turned out to be prophetic. it's unsettling dystopian scenario is taking place today right before our very eyes.

    The text is available free online

    Though not specifically religious the work is is an elegant portrayal of what happens when Man abandons God and imagines he, himself has the power to take God's place.

    Not a cheerful reading experience, but I think it explains a lot very well, and is, therefore, enlightening.

    Meanwhile, I wish you the very best of good fortune. I know, however, that your faith will see you through.

    God bless ...

  4. Thank you and God bless Euripedes.

  5. Thank you for the suggestion FreeThinke. I will look into reading The Machine Stops. God bless.

  6. Seems the trouble never stops in this Obamatopia. Hope you and Kevin catch a break soon with this, Teresa. God bless you both, and prayers your way.

  7. Thank You @gruntofmontechristo. Unfortunately Obamaville has spread far and wide. God is the answer. Welcome to Teresamerica. God Bless.

  8. Over the last couple of years I`ve gone through some tough times as well. I know how you are feeling Teresa. Keep your chin up and keep going. Life gets worse and gets better in due course. Just like good times, tough times come and go. So this too shall pass.

    My thoughts are with you.

  9. Tough times never last, but it's brutal while you're in the midst of them. Faith, hope, charity and love pulls us all through them. May God bless you.

  10. So sorry you have gone through some tough times in recent years Dean L. Thanks for your thoughts.

  11. Thank you very much LL. God Bless.

  12. Best wishes and so sorry to hear of all your trials.

  13. Please know that we are sll praying for better times for you and Kevin.
    God Bless You Both.
