Sunday, September 7, 2014

Despicable Prank!!!! So Wrong!!

A boy living in Ohio was the victim of an atrocious prank. The boy thought that he was participating in the ALS ice bucket challenge but instead other high school students played a cruel, vile prank pouring human waste and cigarette butts on the boy.  Plus, the pranksters even went so low as to make a video of their bullying the boy with autism.  Sick!!!  Friggin awful!!  I feel so sorry for the autistic boy.  Drew Carey is spot on when saying that after these teens who committed this horrible act are found, they should be arrested and expelled from school.  What these boys did crosses way over the line of just being a prank.  These bullies need to be punished.  Drew Carey has even offered a reward to find the bullies who did this repulsive act against the boy.  If the reward isn't needed Drew is going to make a donation to the organization Autism Speaks. This is utterly sickening and I can't imagine how this boy is suffering right now.


  1. Hi Teresa

    This Sam of The Last Tradition and we used to be on each other’s Blog Roll a few years ago when I started blogging. I put your blog back on my B roll and I was hoping that you could put TLT back on yours. Hit me up on my comments and let me know what you think.

  2. There are so few children left in the US who are actually taught to control themselves and how to behave. Such bad behavior has become an epidemic.

  3. Euripides, I raised one of those, but they are hard to find.

  4. Hey Sam

    Yes I will add TLT to my blog roll. Been having trouble with my computer and going through other chaos so don't worry if it takes some time.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It is so unfortunate and extremely bad for our society Euripedes and Odie. It doesn't bode well for our country's future. Thanks for comments. Sorry about the big delay in response.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. One morning I had my cb on channel 12 from the night before, and the father of this child was talking about this incident. He said one of the punks that did this is the son of a police officer! He said his son's fifteen now and the same pukes have been harassing his son since grade school. Now maybe some criminal charges will wake these hoodlums up!
