Monday, September 1, 2014

TV Hosts STOP Giving Dangerous Individuals a Platform to Spew Hatred & Ideology !!!!

Okay, two TV hosts in the past week gave a Muslim activist named Anjam Choudary a platform to spew his hate against the West.  Sean Hannity on Fox News and Brian Stelter on CNN gave this dangerous Muslim activist who supports terrorism a platform to talk about wanting to end Western Civilization as we know it now, advocating for a worldwide Muslim Caliphate. 

Hannity Stop!!!!!  Stelter Stop!!!!!

Stop giving Choudary and others a platform to gain more followers!!  

To debate someone with these beliefs is stupid.  

I will not post the video of this dangerous Muslim activist who praised 9/11 of him on with Hannity or Stelter.  I am not giving Choudary a platform to spread his message of hate and advocating violence against the West and its people.  You can see the article on The Blaze

We are in a war against those who want to destroy the West.  We don't debate people who want to annihilate us. 

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