Ben Breedlove had a heart condition which resulted in his death at the end of 2011. He died at the age of 18 from a cardiac arrest. Before his death, he posted these videos sharing his story. He describes a near death experience he had as a result of his heart condition. Simply amazing....
My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Rep. Allen West: "Obama, Reid, Pelosi Get the Hell Out of the USA!"
This man doesn't pull any punches. He lets the Democratic machine know exactly what he thinks of them. Rep. West is awesome! Liberals need to stop dragging down the USA and enslaving the American people into dependency. If they hate the U.S. so much and the ideals that America stands for then they should leave for a country that believes in the same socialist ideas as they do instead of ruining the land of the free and the home of the brave. I have posted part of his speech below. You can see the entire speech at The Daley Gator.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Lea Michele New Candie's Girl - Rule 5
I have never watched the show Glee before but I thought you would enjoy the performances sung by Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison at the 2010 Tony Awards.
More Rule 5
Daley Gator - Kate Upton
Camp Of The Saints - Erica Durance
American Perspective - Kate Beckinsale
Woodsterman - Math? Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
American Power - Lucy Pinder
The Astute Bloggers - Brigitte Bardot
Eye Of Polyphemus - Emma Stone
Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe
Guns and Bikinis - Brazilian Babe
Maggie's Notebook - Cowboys, Cowgirls and a Couple of Six Packs
Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Randy's Roundtable - Thursday Nite Tart
Reaganite Republican - Finnish Ice Skater Hotness
The Last Tradition - Vanessa Hudgens Bikini Accident
Theo Spark - Bath Night
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Monday
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Unvarnished Muslim Roundup: Egypt Extremism, TLC's "All American Muslim" Imam Exposed, Boko Haram Attacks in Nigeria, and Football Player Brutally Assaulted by...
First, we have an Egyptian Salafi leader stating that Egypt's Christians can be dealt with like the Jews of Medina. Obviously Yassir Al-Burhami didn't get the memo from the moderate Muslims in the West that talk of the jizya and making Christians submit as inferiors to Islamic law is out of bounds for Muslims to say and believe. Intolerance run amok...
Yassir Al-Burhami said this:
'Can the Christians of Egypt be compared to the Jews of Al-Medina? The case of the Jews of Al-Medina is one example of the relations between the Muslims and the infidels. The Muslims can implement any form of conduct used by the Prophet Muhammad. When the Prophet Muhammad was still in Mecca, he dealt with the infidels in a certain way, and when the Muslims are weak, they should deal with the infidels this way. "Refrain from action, pray, and pay the zakkat."'
Because of all the violence panic has ensued and many Catholics and Christians are fleeing Northern Nigeria.
From CNA: As many as 35,000 people have fled their homes in northern Nigeria after continuing attacks from the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. Their numbers include a large number of Catholics who report that churches have been destroyed.
Yassir Al-Burhami said this:
'Can the Christians of Egypt be compared to the Jews of Al-Medina? The case of the Jews of Al-Medina is one example of the relations between the Muslims and the infidels. The Muslims can implement any form of conduct used by the Prophet Muhammad. When the Prophet Muhammad was still in Mecca, he dealt with the infidels in a certain way, and when the Muslims are weak, they should deal with the infidels this way. "Refrain from action, pray, and pay the zakkat."'
Second, the Muslim extremist group called Boko Haram continues to wreak havoc across Nigeria. In a recent violently deadly set of bombings across Nigeria that were committed by Boko Haram left at least 120 people dead in Kano.
Because of all the violence panic has ensued and many Catholics and Christians are fleeing Northern Nigeria.
From CNA: As many as 35,000 people have fled their homes in northern Nigeria after continuing attacks from the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. Their numbers include a large number of Catholics who report that churches have been destroyed.
“There is panic. Many just leave everything behind, and run for safety, because they do not know when violence might flare up again,” a source told Aid to the Church in Need on Jan. 24.
Churches have also been destroyed in Maidiguri in Borno and the city of Bauchi, in Bauchi state.
“It is the stated goal of Boko Haram to make the whole of the north free of Christians,” one source told Aid to the Church in Need.
At the beginning of January, Boko Haram spokesman Abu Qaqa gave Christians a three-day ultimatum to leave the area.
Refugees are headed to where they believe it is safe, especially the city of Jos.
Boko Haram’s name means “western education is sinful” in Nigeria’s Hausa language. The group has killed at least 935 people since its 2009 uprising, and more than 250 since the beginning of 2012, Human Rights Watch reports.
The Catholic bishops of Nigeria have decried the actions of the group.
Next, we have a group of football players from high school who beat the crap out of another high football player, kicking him so hard they gave him a concussion. The police got involved and charged those who brutalized the quarterback with assault. Now the lawyers for the accused are crying ethnic profiling and claiming that the accused causing the victim to have a concussion after kicking the crap out of the football player is simply one of those 'skirmishes' in post play. Here we have Muslims who beat the crap out of a Christian football player trying to play like they are the victims. This Christianophobia needs to stop. This placating Muslims like there some type of especially protected group in the U.S. has to stop. They need to realize they are obligated to live by the same rules as everyone else who lives in America. This assault happened in the wonderful land of Detroit (sarcasm). There is more on the Muslim high school students charged with assault here.
TLC's "All American Muslim" Imam becomes unhinged again. He spews venomous hatred towards Jews.
From Atlas Shrugs:
" Sheikh Husham Al-Husainy, who appeared on All-American Muslim, recently debated the author of The Deception of Allah, Christian Prince, and revealed his hatred of Jews and Israel. He said that soon Muslims will destroy Israel. Thus the All-American Muslim imam again shows his true colors. Remember, he melted down on Hannity in 2007 after praying an Islamic prayer cursing Jews and Christians at a Democratic National Committee meeting. And last December 14 here at Atlas I posted Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack's expose about this supposedly "moderate" imam. "
"Imam Husham Al Husainy: soon the Islamic Army will attack Israel."
The so-called moderate Muslim Imam is exposed for the violence endorsing Muslim extremist that he really is.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sen. Rand Paul Talks With Glenn Beck About TSA Detainment After He Refused Pat Down
The TSA gropes grandmas, children, and senators while the real terrorists are planning new ways to skirt around our ludicrous security measures. The U.S. government has no right to authorize the sexual assault of those who simply want to fly a plane. If the machine picks people at random as Rand Paul suspects the X-ray scanners are useless pieces of equipment. I do think he is correct about that since the first time he went through he was tagged by the machine for a pat down and the second time he wasn't. When something is being used indiscriminately and isn't targeted to the problem, like who may or may not pose a threat, then the machine is doing more harm than good giving people a false sense of security. What a useless piece of junk.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Attack On Religious Liberty: Obama Administration Gives Non-Profit Groups One Year To Violate Consciences
Obama Administration's attack on the Catholic Church is an attack on everyone's religious liberty.
Under Obamacare all hospitals including non-profit and religious hospitals will be required to provide no-cost contraceptives including the birth control pill, morning after pill, and sterilization services. The Obama administration has decided to give a one year exemption to some non-profit groups on religious grounds but after the year ends they will be required to provide the above mentioned contraceptive benefits. This is yet another example of Obama and progressives working to undermine the Constitution and of them violating our Constitutional liberties.
This is another example of Obama saying one thing and then doing the opposite, essentially saying to the person or group screw you. He doesn't give a crap that you have different beliefs than he does. So much for tolerance. Obama and progressives are the most intolerant of all, shoving their secularist immorality down our throats. It has become evident that he was lying when he promised Catholics that he would respect their "conscience rights" when he delivered his commencement address at Notre Dame in 2009. Of course citizens have become so accustomed to Obama lying he has been dubbed the Liar-in-Chief.
Under Obamacare all hospitals including non-profit and religious hospitals will be required to provide no-cost contraceptives including the birth control pill, morning after pill, and sterilization services. The Obama administration has decided to give a one year exemption to some non-profit groups on religious grounds but after the year ends they will be required to provide the above mentioned contraceptive benefits. This is yet another example of Obama and progressives working to undermine the Constitution and of them violating our Constitutional liberties.
Archbishop of New York and Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan met personally with President Obama to talk about this matter. Dolan said this was the president’s way of saying, "we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences."
There is an exception but Archbishop Dolan says it’s too narrow. Donohue agreed calling it a catch-22 because only if you’re a Catholic university, hospital, any non-profit organization that services and hires only Catholics, then that institution can be exempt. “One of the great things about the Catholic Church is the catholic with the small ‘c’, it means universal. We service people who are not Catholic. We always have since the immigrants in this country going back hundreds of years ago.”
This is another example of Obama saying one thing and then doing the opposite, essentially saying to the person or group screw you. He doesn't give a crap that you have different beliefs than he does. So much for tolerance. Obama and progressives are the most intolerant of all, shoving their secularist immorality down our throats. It has become evident that he was lying when he promised Catholics that he would respect their "conscience rights" when he delivered his commencement address at Notre Dame in 2009. Of course citizens have become so accustomed to Obama lying he has been dubbed the Liar-in-Chief.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Vicky Kaya Rule 5
More Rule 5
American Perspective - Taylor Swift Rule 5
Randy's Roundtable - Thursday Nite Tart
Reaganite Republican - Miss Bikini International 2011
American Power- Candice Swanepoel
The Camp Of The Saints - Rule 5 Saturday
Maggie's Notebook - Cowgirls, Cowboys, and a Couple of Six Packs
The Daley Gator - Angela Sun
Eye Of Polyphemus - Olivia Munn
Proof Positive - Bianca Beauchamp
Guns and Bikinis - Bounce
Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
The Last Tradition - Miss America
Theo Spark - Saturday Toddy
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday
Woodsterman - The Commercial Rule 5
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Will Post Rule 5 Tomorrow, "The Eye"
I have been feeling under the weather for the past week and have had a huge headache since yesterday. Thankfully, my head has been feeling better since this afternoon. Plus, I think I have figured out what has been causing my huge headaches. I have had a prosthetic eye since I was a wee little one and I am not sure how many glass eyes I've had made for me over the years but I do know that I had the last one made for me about 15 years and it is well past due being replaced. Since my prosthetic eye only had two scratches on it my doctor said it was okay to keep. But, now I think the number of years I have had it has taken its toll on the eye. If you like scary thrillers I recommend both the original and remake of "The Eye".
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Santorum does NOT support SOPA
Here Rick Santorum answers a question on the proposed bill, called SOPA. One blog over at uses one section of his comment to promote the lie, that he supports SOPA. That is untrue. He does support some type of piracy legislation. He says that he is not familiar with the bill so he doesn't have an opinion one way or the other on it.
Here is a congressman who is familiar with the bill. Rep. Issa has concerns with regards to SOPA. He explains some basic flaws with the bill.
H/T TheRightScoop
Here is a congressman who is familiar with the bill. Rep. Issa has concerns with regards to SOPA. He explains some basic flaws with the bill.
H/T TheRightScoop
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- Cartoon Edition -- 1-17-12
I have a few thoughts on the state of the GOP primaries. For the past couple weeks I have been fatigued health wise but I have also gotten dog tired by all the infighting among the GOP candidates themselves and among the supporters of the various candidates. I don't know whether its because of my being sick and tired of politics or whether its because I have been extremely tired due to something health-related but I have been somewhat edgy in some of my comments lately. As of now I am fighting a cold and a fever so I will probably just take it easy for a couple days. I do have one post ready to put up on Catholibertarian, though. I was originally going to take a break from the blog and then changed my mind. Then, I had decided that I was going to post political cartoons, comedy, history, philosophy, and theology and stay away from the political scene a little while but now I am unsure what I am going to do, whether I will post on politics or not. We need to stop giving fodder to the Democrats and start focusing on our main goal which is to make sure that Barack Obama is a one term president. No matter who the GOP nominee is the person will most certainly be better than Barack Obama. Let's be cordial to one another and stop with the insulting labels like neoconservatives, Paleoconservatives etc.or ridiculing others who may believe in a different worldview of conservatism than you and realize that we are all conservatives who want to save our country from tyranny. We need to stand up together to save America and promote freedom and liberty. God Bless America.
Zilla of the Resistance - Take Your "Outrage" and SHOVE It! Victory Tinkle Edition
Woodsterman - Paradoxical Quote of the Day
Woman Honor Thyself - Gender Confusion?
What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Some Idiot Protesters try to Occupy St. Peter's Square
Western Hero - The Pain of Bain Falls Mainly on the Insane
Warning Signs - Obama Weakens Military
Wakepedia: Armchair Analysis - Obama's White House Tea Party -
Bunkerville - Next Generation, dumb as dumb can be?
Virtual Mirage - How do you deal with addiction?
Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia - Catholic Tebowing
TOTUS: Conservative Commentary - How To Screw Yourself Without Really Trying!
Three Beers Later...- Winning The Internet One Gun at a Time!
They Say/We Say - Ron Paul's Ascent To The Top Job!
The Wyblog - Thursday Thunderbolts, The Modern Toddler F-Bomb Edition
The Thinking Voter - Ron Paul's Hypocrisy about Liberty
Blog de King Shamus - Election Day Tea Party? Sounds Like A Plan!
The Scottcarp Dream - Real Job Creation vs. "Dream Job" Creation
The Republican Mother - The Century Foundation
The Observatorium - New Lindsey
The Libertarian Patriot - TLP Quick Hits: Bernanke Misread Signs of 2008 Crash
The Last Tradition - What's Wrong With Pissing on Dead Taliban? CNN's Dana Loesch Defends...
The Conservative Lady - Are You Willing To Share The Blame?
The Catholic Knight - William Wallace -- A Faithful Catholic
Lisa Graas - The Rick Santorum That America Doesn't Know
The Blog - Cat Blog Friday
The Bitter Americans - Religion of Peace?
Talk Wisdom - Tebow Is Just Loving Jesus and Playing Football
STOP MARXISM - Top 5 Failed Barry Soetoro Policies
Standing on my Head - Newt's Three Marriages
Sancte Pater - Priest Holes
Saber Point - The Republicans' Circular Firing Squad
Logan's Warning - Dr. Naik: Non-Muslims Have Less Rights Than Muslims Under Islam
Robbing America - Newt Gingrich Desperado
Right Klik - Romney's Bain Helped Obama With Auto Bailout
Resist Tyranny - Great Moments in presidential debate history
Reaganite Republican - A Romney Nomination Means Independent Runs From Both Trump and Paul?
ARRA News Service - MLK fought for Civil Rights and Against Democrats
Doug Ross @ Journal - Larwyn's Linx: Martin Luther King's Conservative Principles
Rational Nation USA - John Huntsman ... A Conservative Candidate Worth Considering
Randy's Roundtable - Liar In Chief (Still a Liar) Lies Again
QUICKWIT - GM Creating More Jobs ...... in Russia
Pundit & Pundette - Perry on Marines, et cetera
Proof Positive - Quote du jour
Portiuncula: the Little Portion - Voting Pro-Abortion and Receiving Holy Communion
Blogsense-by-Barb - Rick Santorum, Conservative Stalwart - A Few Words For The Nay-Sayers
Pedaling Fast - One for the record book -- The Guinness Book of World Records, that is
Patriot's Corner - "Mastership of World" as Ultimate Goal of Muslim Brotherhood
Down Under On The Right Side - Take that ayatollah assahola
NoOneOfAnyImport - File This Under: The Price of Over Regulation
The Camp Of The Saints - Pathetic. Vile. Disgusting: The Attack On The Santorums
The Daley Gator - Thanks Brack... Canadian PM Meeting With China About Selling Oil....
Obama Cartoons - Bane Capital
Cmblake6's Weblog - Chuck Norris asks a very important question
America's Watchtower - Right to Work group files a lawsuit against Barack Obama's recess appointments
Nonsensible Shoes - Get Ready To Bash Obama
Nikon Sniper - Quiet Morning at the Stable
My Daily Trek - Barbour Pardons Nearly 200, Including Killers
Mind Numbed Robot - Why I Love Texans
Milton Wolf - Barack Obama Photo of the Year
Libertarian Republican - Former Ron Paul newsletter writer questions his managerial skills, quixotic campaign for president
Legal Insurrection - "from the very beginning, Obama was playing a long game"
Let The Truth Be Known - Away For a While
Left Coast Rebel - (Video) Part 1 of John Stossel's Fox Business Special: Atlas Shrugged
Just An Artist - The Rails
Just a Conservative Girl - The MLK that Al Sharpton Doesn't Want You to Remember
Jo-Joe Politico - MY HERO!
Creative Minority Report - Vatican: Islamist Extremism Most Serious Concern
Atlas Shrugs - Egypt Jihad: Muslim Brotherhood Sec-General Named First Parliament Speaker
Maggie's Notebook - GOP Candidates - Agenda 21 - Where They Stand
The Other McCain - Fall Off The Planet, Harry Reid
Weasel Zippers - Report: Santorum Currently Up 80 Votes In Iowa Caucuses Ballot Count...
It Don't Make Sense - Why New York's Gun Laws Are Insane
Catholibertarian - 11 New Solyndras -- Obama Energy Department Wastes Billions of Dollars
Sentry Journal - Ron Paul's Reality Check
Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Liberal Policies Tend To Backfire: Will Higher Taxes and Regulations Help Or Hurt The Mythical 1%?
American Perspective - Marijuana radio commercial Bakersfield, CA
A Catholic View - Top 10 Reasons Why God Let Tim Tebow Lose
A Conservative Teacher - Best Posts of A Conservative Teacher 2011
A Patriotic Rottweiler - The Truth About Mitt Romney, Bain, and Private Equity that the MSM Won't Tell You
A Pissed Off Irishmen - Obama Says... "We Need a New, Leaner Military"
Adrienne's Corner - Mark Wahlberg on His Faith and His Life...
Always On Watch - More On Solyndra
American Power - At PJ Media: 'How Progressive Race-Baiters Destroyed Civil Rights Progress in America'
Amusing Bunni's Musings - The Cat Is Out of the Bag!
Barracuda Brigade - Callista Gingrich Discusses the Importance of American Exceptionalism
BBCW - Obama is Scared of Mitt Romney?
Beer, Bicycles, and the VRWC - The War On Energy Widens
The Country Thinker - Will The Privileges or Immunities Clause Rescue Liberty in America?
Political Realities - Debbie Wasserman - Schultz On The Lack Of Civility In Congress
Blowing San #1 - VD Hanson on Cutting the Military
Bread upon the Waters - It Is No Secret What God Can Do -- Jim Reeves
Catholic Once Again - The Rosary, A Catholic Rocker, and Your New Year's Resolution
Commentarama - Obama Offers Republicans Key To The Future!
Common Cents - Newt Gingrich vs Juan Williams on Barack Obama being "The Food Stamp President"
Don't Tread On Us - A Navy Christmas
The TrogloPundit - RINOS - big, fat, lumbering but with very little support holding them up
Eye Of Polyphemus - Eric Cantor Kills SOPA
Feed Your ADHD - The Paulbot Creed
The Astute Bloggers - Methane Hydrate Could Power The World For Decades, Even Centuries
Full Metal Patriot - Obama: Bypassing Congress is his 'obligation'
Fuzzy Logic - Ron Paul's Bizarre Exhortation To "Feel Empathy For Iran"
Give Me Liberty - My Big Day
Granny Jan Jihad Kitty - Obama Kids Sing For Change ~ Updated
Hack Wilson - Newt Gingrich mops the floor with Juan Williams at South Carolina Debate
Innominatus - "Pissgate" and a Theory
MotorCityTimes - Is It In Their Best Interest to Let Your Kids Rack Up Massive Student Loan Debt?
Monday, January 16, 2012
Endorsements Galore for Santorum: Evangelical Leaders, South Carolina GOP Leaders and More...
From Fox News: The call to back Santorum was only finalized after three rounds of ballots. On the third ballot, Santorum received 85 of 114 votes cast -- some conservative leaders who had been backing Gingrich changed their votes in the end to support Santorum. The group rallied around the idea that Santorum, and not Gingrich, is the candidate best able to beat President Obama in November.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, expressed surprise that the group agreed to back Santorum by such a wide margin, after failing to come together in support of a single candidate in 2008. In that race, the group didn't even meet until the primary race was basically over. This time, according to J.P. Duffy of the Family Research Council, the group wanted to come together "before it was too late."
Rick has received more endorsements from three South Carolina GOP leaders - Stephen Brown, Bill Connor, and Patrick Haddon - Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization For Marriage and the pro-life activist Abby Johnson.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
It's Tebow Time.... Broncos versus Patriots
Alyssa Milano - Rule 5
More Rule 5
American Perspective - Taylor Swift
American Power- Mila Kunis
The Camp of the Saints - Rule Five News
The Camp of the Saints - Rule Five News
The Daley Gator – Asian Babes
Eye of Polyphemus – Anne Hathaway
Proof Positive – Ana de la Reguera
Guns and Bikinis – Adriana Lima
Theo Spark – Thursday Toddy
The Other McCain- Rule 5 Sunday
The Other McCain- Rule 5 Sunday
Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Randy’s Roundtable – Thursday Nite Tart
Reaganite Republican – Miss Poland
Rule 5 Woodsterman Style - The Commercial
Maggie's Notebook - All Swimsuits for a Warm Winter