My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A Plan to Inoculate the Contagious Infection Obamacare
David Catron from The American Spectator has an excellent plan on how to inoculate the contagious infection - Obamacare - from spreading more than it has infected our lives already. Did you know before there was RomneyCare in Mass. that there was DukakisCare? Thankfully the GOP halted that by defunding the DukakisCare "reform" debacle. Hopefully we can do the same with Obamacare. Rep. John Boehner made the most magnanimous pledge on repealing and replacing the health care law during his interview with Bret Baier saying, 'I'll make sure Obamacare is never implemented'. This is wonderful! He also hinted that he and the newly elected Republican majority in Congress has "a lot of tricks up our sleeves" to follow through on that promise. You go Boehner!! Inoculate Obamacare!!
Boehner doesn't need to worry about "repeal and replace" (although I prefer just repeal), like you said he could simply cut off the funding and let ObamaCare die the miserable death it deserves. The ball is firmly in his court.
Thanks for letting me know about the phishing site thing. Actually Maggie, had emailed me about the same thing a few days ago and she had a suggestion to go through my blog list and remove those that may be causing the problem. This may be caused by those phishing sites(?) who go around and contact people automatically and ask you to add them to your site. I just removed 3 of those sites so I am hoping that worked.
It could be defunded but it will not be repealed any time soon, and I think he was foolish to make such a statement. It is not a matter of political will, it is simply a fact that conservatives are miles away from having the 2/3 in both houses needed to overcome the inevitable presidential veto. We will have to wait until after 2012 for a complete repeal of this monster.
Boehner doesn't need to worry about "repeal and replace" (although I prefer just repeal), like you said he could simply cut off the funding and let ObamaCare die the miserable death it deserves. The ball is firmly in his court.
I can't wait to see some of the "tricks" up his sleeve!
Good one Teresa. BYW, Google Chrome is identifying your blog as a phishing site.
I believe him. He'll do everything in his power to stop it, and he's got a LOT of power now. Yay!
Thanks for letting me know about the phishing site thing. Actually Maggie, had emailed me about the same thing a few days ago and she had a suggestion to go through my blog list and remove those that may be causing the problem. This may be caused by those phishing sites(?) who go around and contact people automatically and ask you to add them to your site. I just removed 3 of those sites so I am hoping that worked.
Have a relaxing weekend :)
What ever it takes !
I like how Boehner said it so clearly. No wiggle room. I just hope we don't end up with a sequel to "read my lips..."
Like Marco Rubio said, the GOP is on probation. They better walk the talk.
It could be defunded but it will not be repealed any time soon, and I think he was foolish to make such a statement. It is not a matter of political will, it is simply a fact that conservatives are miles away from having the 2/3 in both houses needed to overcome the inevitable presidential veto. We will have to wait until after 2012 for a complete repeal of this monster.
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