Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rule 5 Posting - Annette Funicello

This week I stumbled upon Annette Funicelli for my rule 5 posting when on October 22, Fox & Friends announced that it was her birthday.


Randy-g said...

Now I feel old.........

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Now I don't feel bad feeling old.

Always On Watch said...

Isn't it "Funicello"? Maybe I'm wrong on that, but I recall her name that way.

Teresa said...

Always on Watch,

Thanks for pointing that out. I actually thought that I had pressed an "o" and not an "i" but ya know how that goes. Just corrected the error.

joetote said...

I had such a crush on her when I was young from her days in the Mickey Mouse Club (this really dates me) and into her Beach movies. Still smile when i think about that.

Maggie Thornton said...

Such beautiful photos of her. I was so sad when she announced that she has MS. She is a very courageous lady, and was always an excellent role model when she was young.

Great Rule 5 Teresa!