My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
I can't help but wonder, Teresa, if you have an I.D. and government permission to speak out on this blog?Hmmm.
What an F***ing dope !
Nickie, of course. Who would go around and speak out on blogs if they didn't have permission? I think we still have free speech, although with Obama who knows what freedoms he's going to take away from us.
Woodsterman, You got that right!
Most Rev. Gregori, The Constitution qualifies as paper so, I'm taking the position that the Constitution backs me up.
Many liberals like Moran just don't get it. They see the protesters at the townhalls as non-respresentive of the american public---they simply cannot believe what their eyes are seeing. They will not see the truth until election night when the frightening numbers pile up against them. And thats the truth Teresa
Ron, You are right. These Liberal politicians just don't get it. Or they don't want to face reality. Next election, I think is going to be a huge wake up call for the Democrats.
Libs care so much about the identity of town hall protesters and bloggers with whom they disagree, but they don't care about voter ID. Strange.
RightKlik, That is very strange. But, Liberals usually don't make any sense.
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