This is one example of fascism under the totalitarian dictator, Obama.
"This used to be America," argued a protester outside a health-care town hall meeting in Reston, Va., after a security officer threatened him with arrest for holding up a sign with a picture critical of Barack Obama.
The officer's response?
"It ain't no more, OK?"
Hmmmm...... How outrageous a comment!!
According to WorldNetDaily, A video of the town hall held earlier this week by Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., shows an unnamed protester standing on school grounds carrying a sign that read "Organizing for National Socialist Health Care – The Final Solution" and depicted Barack Obama in the Joker's makeup.
Officer Wesley Cheeks Jr. then told the protester that even though others were holding signs, his sign was unacceptable because of the depiction of Obama.
"But you got this with a picture," Cheeks said, explaining why the protester was being singled out from the others. "That's the difference. This has got a picture on it. That don't have a picture on it.
"Sir, leave the picture down," the officer said. "If you put the picture back up, you'll be charged with trespassing."
The protester continued the argument, wondering how his presence among hundreds of others at the town hall meeting could be deemed trespassing.
The officer answered, "If I told you once to take it down and you put it back up, I can charge you with whatever I want to charge you with."
The argument continued until the officer walked away.
Replay. OK. This exchange needs to be seen twice, for this is extremely hard for me to digest.
"This used to be America," said the protester.
"It ain't no more, OK?" answered Cheeks.
"Officer Cheeks, it appears from the badges on his uniform, is a member of the Fairfax County Public Schools' trained School Security Officer team. Neither the school nor the local police, however, would confirm Cheeks' status or authority until communications offices reopen on Monday."
The arrogance and fascist intolerance that Officer Cheeks so blatantly displays is unfortunately yet one more example of where we're headed in America, under the fascist Obama. The fact he states that this is no longer America, is unconscionable and just blows me away.
Wake up Call: This is still
The United States of America!!!!
1. So let me see if I understand this correctly. A hateful person holds up a poster that compares the President of the United States to Hitler. A cop tells him to take the poster down. The hateful person refuses. The cop walks away. So?
2. I am reminded of the town hall meeting that President Bush held when he was proposing privitization of Social Security in which two attendeed were thrown of of the hall for wearing t-shirts that protested Bush's policies. Please give me a link to the posts you put up protesting that incident.
3. Don't you think it is reprehensible that someone would compare the President of the United States to Nazis and the "final solution"? You probably do not, since you have stated that you believe the President favors one race over others.
Come and show yourself, or don't you have the guts to show who you really are, since you hiding like a scared little puppy dog. That's oK. Keep on following Obama like the lost little puppy dog that you must be. Obviously you are another lib who doesn't have a clue, and can't think for yourself, so you want Obummer and the government to think for you.
Obama is a socialist. Hitler was a socialist. The description of fascism in wikipedia describes Obama to a T. So, if the shoe fits, so be it. The poster the gentleman wanted to display had no symbols or mention of Hitler in relation to Obama. It was displaying a picture of Obama and how he is promoting socialized health care. The cop was a complete moron and a fascist prick. How do you know the person is hateful? Just because he disagrees with our so called President, he's hateful. OK, by that premise, if you disagreed with Bush, than you are a hateful bastage that may have had a vengeful motive to want to hurt the President. And, if your African American then you targeted Bush out of racism, not out of political beliefs. So, your a racist too. That's not what I believe, but going on your premise of holding up a sign that disagrees with our President, makes you a racist. Or a President who happens to be a different race?
I am sure in your miniscule brain, that you can't comprehend the real reason that the protesters were kicked out of Bush's town hall meeting.
No. Libs accused Bush of the same thing and nothing could be further from the truth. Obama is the epitome of Hitler and fascism. He is everything that America should not be. So, go back to your rabbit hole of dellusional fantasies unless you actually have the guts to show your name.
1. You openly call the President of the United States a fascist and compare him to Hitler. There is simply nothing one can say to someone like you.
2. But, just for curiousity's sake, what is your full name?
Holy Moly, Teresa! Thanks for posting this, I had not seen it yet! These liberal scum are just UNBELIEVABLE! I'm outraged and appalled. I'm going to fav this on my youtube channel.
And, this anony troll: Why don't they just STFU??
You have so much more patience than me, Teresa, I don't even engage this nitwits. If they don't like what we say, which is the TRUTH about oscummer, they why in the hell do they even bother commenting?
Loosers, don't give them the attention!
THey are scared, and let's not insult puppy dogs, all the puppies I had wouldn't even pee on them.
You did give this clueless clown a good what for, though! You can come and comment on my trolls whenever you want! I couldn't have called out the numbskull better! Superb....I see then have gone back to the hole they crawled out from.
yeah, that's right! How dare someone offer criticism! How un-American. And what's even worse, doing so anonomyously! By the way, Ms. "Amusing Bunny": what is your real name?
I filed a complaint here:
On another note, If you wish, you may copy the picture at my website (others have)
That's Miss Bunni, to you, troll! Can you even read?
Why do I bother...hee hee. Hey it's kind of fun, all of Glenn's Video series from last night have inspired me. Have you seen them, Teresa? Faved on my channel in reverse order, series of 5.
Trolls, please go on daily kos or something, where you'll get the adulation you deserve, they are all o loving socialists there!
Since I have been informed from one of my friends that ALL bloggers must use kid gloves, here it goes.
1. I call the President how I see him. Like I said, if the shoe fits, so be it. Did you openly repudiate any person that compared Bush to Hitler? If not, then don't complain about the same thing happening now.
2) Excuuuuuusse Me!! If you used that "wonderful" brain you have, than you could actually look at my profile, and than you would find out.
3) You are a hopeless case. For you follow Obama and anyone that follows Obama doctrine is way off base in their thinking.
And, gee I didn't know that you could disable Anons from entering your blog, so if you want the availability to comment and make your position known on my blog, then pick a name.
You offered way more than criticisms. You made far reaching assumptions about the person holding the sign.
Thank You and come back, again.
Thank You for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I'll be visiting yours shortly. I will also check out the websites. Thanks for the info. Have a great weekend.
I really loved the Beck videos, as well. They are very inspiring, too. Have a great weekend. God Bless!!
Well, I see I've stumbled upon another interesting blog that brings out the anonymous people. They sure can be hostile, can't they, but then they are afraid to give up a little of themselves.
Anyway, I agree with you about the 'stupid cop'. I do wonder if BO will say he acted stupidly?
I'll visit again.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Bo will probably not say the cop acted stupidly since they are both the same race.
You know, there are stupid people of every race, but just because people are the same race doesn't mean they can't accuse them of being stupid. Our political picture today is so 'uptight' about race. Our president is half and half, so he shouldn't even be called our black president. And why do African Americans call themselves that...aren't they Americans? I am a Heinz 57 variety and I don't call myself anything but an American.
None of the other races distinguish themselves that way!
Nice try at censorship, Teresa.
But, you know, perhaps I'm just plain stupid, but I can't see your full name on your profile page. Since you do despire anonymimity, indulge us all and tell us your first and last name.
In any event, it is illuminating to know that you willing without any sense of shame to compare the President of the United States to Hitler. That tells us much about the character of the opposition to his Administration.
Your absolutely right! People can act stupid regardless of what race you are. I don't understand how liberals get hung up on race much of the time. WE are all Americans and should be treated equally, just like our Constitution states.
I love it- a Heinz 57 variety LOL
Enjoyed the post---Allow me to be the extremist I really am--"the left is left out and the right is always right" no middle ground do compromise, no BS and no pansy PC---I hope your trolls get my message loud and clear. Keep out the courthouse grass and keep your grass in your own bongs!
My full name is there now. It should have been there before. But, regardless you and anonymous haven't provided me with both your first and last name either. It has been in my email address as well.
No. That should tell you a great deal about Obama and his administration. And all the Communist and fascist thugs he has surrounded himself with, inside the White House. The Weather Underground? Communist Party USA?
WE conservatives are honorable freedom loving human beings, unlike our dictator Obama.
Your right!!! The right is always right!!
Most Rev. Gregori,
Thanks so much for your input to ANON. You are absolutely correct. You hit the nail on the head when describing liberals. I will visit your blog later. I can't wait to see your posting. God Bless!!
Thank You for stopping by and commenting.
You are right about the officer and the seriousness in what he was trying to accomplish. He was trying to quash the man's free speech. If that sign didn't qualify under free speech, than I don't know what does.
Yo Gregori: so what's with this "czar" stuff? Sounds completely loopy to me! You guys saying that some law is being broken because the President has staff aides and assistants? Very bizarre?
Anon: The officer walked away only after meeting firm resistance from a very assertive gentleman. If the man holding the sign had not been persistent, the sign would have been taken. The fact that the officer eventually walked away
does not negate the seriousness of what he attempted to accomplish.
Our First Amendment isn't worth much if the content of
that sign isn't well within the boundaries of what is currently considered to be protected free speech.
(deleted previous comment for corrections)
Teresa, thinking about you and your blog as I am closing out the evening here in the deep south state of Mississippi after a full day at an Arts and Crafts event in Kentwoood,La. I make indian peace pipes and do some pyrographic art. But to the point your anonymous comments person seems to want to know about you, but would have little interest in finding out all the hidden details about the ONE's past--that is top secret more so than the CIA secret which his administration is spreading all over the MSM. But to another point, I'm adding your blog to my 'blogs I read everyday roll" at the top of my sidebar for whatever thats worth. Yours is a young, but great blog with hard hitting commentary and I love that and you also visit and return comments and I suppose we all desire that. I don't spend much time with anonymous trolls as it is a waste of time. Time that is better used, not trying to convert a lost soul swimming in a sea of liberal igorance, but time that is vital in re-enforcing conservative values.
Thank You for thinking of me and my blog. I thoroughly enjoy your blog as well. I really appreciate you posting my blog site at the top of the sidebar on your blog. Thanks so much. That is really cool that you make pipes and pyrotehnic art. I have been trying to get more productive with my scroll sawing with the possibility of starting my own business. Well, Still working on it. Thank You so much for your comments. You are so kind. I totally understand how time can be better spent than replying to trolls. I like a good argument, partially because when I have to defend a particular stance, then I believe that I become even more firmly grounded in conservative beliefs as well.
I can't remember a time in history when Czars were given so much power. Oh, wait. Never mind.
Exactly. The power in those different time periods is so similar and overreaching.
Thank you for posting this my friend.
I can imagine the outrage from the mainstream media would have done if it was a white cop told a black guy to take down his poster.
Comparing the President to hitler to GWB was something the left did with regularity. Free speech? I guess it depends on who you're speaking out against.
When people here Hitler, they automatically jump to the genocide of five million jews. If you look at Hitler prior to WWII and the Holocaust, his tactics are ones that Obammy uses today.
Anon, Obammy does favor one race over the other. He is over the top on his affirmative action agenda, and he believes that white people should now just step aside while the less qualified are admitted to universities or given high paying government positions.
yeah, but I still don't get this "Czar" business. Whassup with that? What makes some third deputy assistant as "czar"?
And this Nazi fixation? Did I stumble on a next of LaRouche types?
Bats Right, Throws Right,
Thank You for stopping by my friend. Your right, free speech seems to be full of hypocrisy from the left. Your also correct in stating we must look at exactly how Hitler rose to power and show the similarities between Hitler and Obama in relation to that.
There are no confirmation hearings so Czars don't have to be approved. I don't know what the requirements are to be a czar, or whether a background check is done on them. They might not even be vetted either. I don't know.
The left had a Nazi fixation comparable to the size of the universe. We are merely looking at what Obama has done while in office, who he associates himself with both now and in the present, and looking into his past as well.
Nothing more than the left did to Bush, and that was done undeservedly.
1. Are there significantly more presidential assistants in the current administration than there were in previous adminstrations? Is there some specific law that is being broken? And why call a presidential assistant a "czar"? What's up with that?
2. Any comparisons between Presidents elected in our democratic system and Nazi Germany are reprehensible, not least of all because they water down the uniqueness of the Nazi episode. Such comparisons are unacceptable in democratic discourse whether they come from the right or the left. But apart from a few fringe types waving signs or raving on web fora during the Bush administration period, I am unaware of anyone on the left making such comparisons. Were there any left-leaning radio commentators, writers, TV hosts, etc. who repeatedly depicted Bush as Hitler or compared his policies to the Final Solution? I'm sure a Google search could answer this question.
- I find the direct racist connotation of the image disturbing, as it ties into the exploitation of blacks in a former time - I think they called it "blackface"? Sorry, can't remember the term. In any case, I find it offensive - which will no doubt earn me a full dose of right-wing invective!
- The health plan being proposed is fascist, not socialist.
- Teresa, I find the comment threads on this post very interesting, considering that in another post comment you said, "I think for the most part, just from my experience from talking to liberals, conservatives are much more open to listening to the democrats ideas," and "I do believe that both the left and the right need to listen to one another." My reaction to the very personal insults and effort to squash dissent coming from your friends on the right is pretty intense. I think Anonymous responded with a good deal of restraint.
- "The right is always right"? Seriously? No wonder this country is in so much trouble! As a proud liberal, I will never make the claim that the left is always right. No, when the left is wrong, I will oppose it. I will set my sights on a higher right, and focus on that regardless of the source that promotes it.
- If this had been presented at a Bush rally, the person holding the sign would have been arrested.
First, blackface used black makeup that white people wore to pretend they were black. This is a joker poster using Obama'a face.
The Left is pretty much reponsible for this finanicial crsisis. Bush and other Republicans requested looking into Fannie and Freddie (which was the main culprit of the crsis) a few years before the crisis started but because certain Democrats were pocketing money from Fannie and Freddie, they stopped the investigation. So, if the Left had listened and hadn't been partisan then maybe this financial crisis could have been avoided. One of my previous videos presents this very thing.
If at a Bush Presidential rally this person was merely holding a sign the secret service agents would have absolutely had no problem with this. That type of decision is not up to the President. This most recent sign was not at a Presidential event. This was at a town hall. This clearly violated the man's free speech rights.
welcome to hopey changey land hun!
Thanks. Maybe it was 'whiteface.' I don't remember the term, but I do remember the images, and the abuse and racism in them. In this image, I see the relationship to that. I completely missed any "Joker" reference. Maybe I don't see enough movies, but the poster comes off as racist to me.
The primary culprit in the financial meltdown is deregulation - lack of oversight and corruption in the SEC, etc. Deregulation is a Republican mantra - "the right is always right!"
Okay, I see the difference. Remember, however, the cop walked away. He may have overstepped his boundaries - maybe he was offended by the racist connotation of the poster, too, or maybe he just overreached. And he made a stupid comment. In any case, no one's rights ended up being infringed. If this is the left's efforts to squash dissent, it's very anemic compared to the robust tyranny of the Bush administration.
If it was deregulation that caused this crisis, then as I said before Bush and the Republicans made efforts to regulate Fannie and Freddie, but democrat politicians pocketing money and receiving campaign contributions quashed that attempt at what could have averted this crisis.
Did the Bush administration ever request "fishy" information in such a blatant way to quash dissent and free speech from the opposition on the White House website? No. That never happened.
The Bush administration spoke words against their dissenters and promoted their political positions openly, but never did they go out of their way to stop dissent from citizens.
Happy Sunday, Teresa Hon, wow more trolls, they are like a mutating infectious disease.
I, as you know, tend to agree with Ron! Trying to educated these dolts is just a waste of time. But to people who like to argue, and have excellent and TRUE rebuttals, like you and others do, it's fun!
Ron also makes a good point, these commies want to know EVERYTHING about you? (Sound Familiar), and yet don't reciprocate. I know you've put your last name out there now, and whoever wants to do that, of course that is their perogrative. But my feeling is don't....esp. if you're looking for a job or now attending classes in college, where there are more than a fair share of lib "professors". People google names more often than one might think, and you don't want to be penalized, in whatever way, by someone stupid who doesn't agree with your intelligent views, just sayin, something for everyone to think about.
(I removed the last post for spelling), you can delete this notification, TR.
Hi Bunni,
Happy Sunday!! I like that mutating disease saying. That's really creative. Thank you so much for the advice regarding my full name. I believe my first name should be sufficient. God Bless!!
Most Rev. Gregori,
Happy Sunday!!! You provided a great explanation of who surround Obama and why they are of the extreme.
1. You know, I asked the author of this blog for her full name because her vitriolic response to my first post accused me of being "gutless" for not identifying myself by name. I don't know hou you feel about it, but I thought it kind of odd that someone who called her commentator a "scared little puppy dog" would herself not identify herself by her first name.
2. Kind of interesting, isn't it, that no one can explain what this "czar" nuttiness is all about.
3. Gregori: I don't address you as "reverent" because I have no evidence that you are actually an ordained priest or minister. In fact, I find it difficult to believe that anyone who writes in the manner you do could actually be a representative oa any of the great religions. As for the quality of the current Administration, when I look at the President's chief advisors I see the former President of Harvard (Summers), the most recent Bush Secretary of Defense (Gates), the former first lady of the United States and Senator (Clinton), the former director of CBO (Orzag), the former chair of the UCBerkely Economics Department (Romer), the former Chier of Staff to the President (Panetta), a Nobel prize-winner in physics (Chu). Strikes me as a group that represents pretty much the best of what America has to offer.
Finally, does anyone care to anser my query about identifying all the writers, radio hosts, elected representatives, etc. who trafficked in vile Hitler/Nazi comparisons during the Bush administration? I seem to be having a mental block about it.
The true irony is the cop's actions have ensured thousands more will see that sign than if he had just bit his lip and chalked it up to someone exercising their freedom of speech.
Stupid is as stupid does.
My name like I said before was in front of you the whole time. Please take a look with those things on the front of your face that allows you to see, called eyes. My name is clearly on all my postings and also clearly is written in big bold letters on my profile. Please, for God's sake wake up and smell the coffee and use the eyes that God gave you.
None of the persons you mentioned are czars. In fact,Most if not all of those people you mentioned went through confirmation hearings. I will send you over to a fellow blogger friend's site that has a great deal of information on the Czars. Here's the link:http://mainfo.blogspot.com/2009/08/czarist-insanity-in-america-part-2-bill.html
I actually looked that up and comparing Bush with Hitler was more prevalent than you might think. Not just the far left kooks who made these accusations.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I think you are right. No, the poster has been widely viewed due to the controversy. I think the cop acted "stupidly."
Teresa - you write (with your customary charm) "My name like I said before was in front of you the whole time. Please take a look with those things on the front of your face that allows you to see, called eyes." Unfortunately, it was not there when you and I had the relevant exchange of posts. As you acknowledged in your post of August 29 at 6:34 p.m.: "My full name is there now. It should have been there before." So it looks as if for at least one of us those things in front of our face that allow us to see are working just fine.
Why do you need my full name? I NEVER asked you for your full name as that would be quite intrusive, like you are being now. I merely requested a name instead of you hiding behind the opaque name anonymous. And, YES YOU DID MISS WITH THOSE TWO EYES OF YOURS THAT IN EVERY SINGLE COMMENT OF MINE IT HAS MY NAME TERESA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Therefore, your eyesight must be close to reaching the near blind state.
Hey Teresa - I took your advice and checked ou that site that you said "has a great deal of information on the 'Czars'" (quotes added.) But unfortunately, it did not answer any of the questions I had posed:
a) are any of these positions illegal? Perhaps someone else has a cite to some statute that makes it a crime for a President to appoint an inter-agency coordinator for climate change issues.
b) Is this some kind of new practice instituted under the current Administration? From what I can tell, it is pretty common stuff. According to wikipedia, President G.W. Bush has 26 of these fellows, while the current Administration has 31. Is it those extra five guys that poses such a grave threat to our republic?
By the way I noticed that a bunch of so-called "czars" on your friends list are Senate confirmation positions, such as the Director of National Intelligence, the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel, the Deputy National Security Advisor, the Deputy Secretary of the Interior .... (I gave up counting when it became clear that the entire blog post was bunk.) Is it a threat to the Constitution to a Senate-confirmation postion?
very odd. So what you meant was this: Submitting a post as "anonymous" is the "gutless" action of a "scared little puppy dog." But forthrightly revealing my identity as "nyp" (or whatever) is completely, totally different. Guess I'll hve to ask the blogging czar to explain it to me.
Hi Again T, when I saw 52 comments I just had to look again! Dear Lord, does this "nyp" have anything better to do than take up space? OK, I think we all have been more than patient wasting our time with he/she/it/whatever?? They are positively immune to common sense. That is why O and his evil, criminal minions got in power in the lst place.
Not only are lib trolls a mutating disease, their comments are as well. Just an attention getting device, like a whiny, spoiled brat! Now you see why I don't indulge them. It just never ends, they have some personality disorder, in addition to a mental deficiency.
I'm glad you took my advice, Teresa. BTW, I got on facebook and the linked blogs thingy and I'm following you & such! Now I must watch your poem video, you're so creative.
Nyp is being civil now, so I don't mind indulging a little. Thanks for the follow. I will follow you on facebook as well, and hopefully we can become friends on there as well. You are extremely creative and talented. You put those pictures into a video. You did an excellent job. I need to learn how to do that.
There are at least 32 Czars under Obama. At least 15 czars did not have any confirmation hearings.
teresa - thanks for the response. But I'm afraid it raises more questions than it answers.
1. Is there any specific law that is being broken? Perhaps "Amusing Bunni", who has so little tolerance for dissenting voices, can help us with the research here.
2. According to Wikipedia, President Bush had 26 "czars". You say that President Obama has 32. Is it that extra 7 that constitute a threat to our consitutional order?
3. You say that of President Obama's 32 "czars," 17 were Senate confirmation positions, and 15 were executive appointments. Does that mean that every Cabinet officer is a "czar"? I've never really thought of the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of State as "czars," but then again, I never thought of applying the term to the Third Deputy Presidential Assistant for Wind Turbines as a "czar" either, even though the commentators on this blog seem to do so.
Sure would be great if some of your commentators could clear up these questions.
oops - sorry about the math there. It's 6 more non-confirmatory executive appointments in the current administration than in the previous one, not 7.
Nyp, Its not the number of Czars that is alarming. Its most of the persons(czars) are known members of or associated themselves with in the past with shady groups such as: CommunistPartyUSA, WEather Underground and other questionable associations and they would not pass clearance if being vetted, or were an actual appointment being subject to confirmation hearings.
are now resolved.Teresa - now the fog is beginning to lift. So what you are saying is that you have no objection whatsoever to the fact that certain Presidential appointments are subject to Senate confirmation while others are run-of-the-mill executive appointments. So there is no statutory or constitutinal objection here. Nor is there any objection to 17 of the actual 32 appointments being complained of, since those 17 all went through the Senate confirmation process. So the whole "czar" business seems to be some kind of massive non sequitur that can now be pushed aside. Your complaint is simply that some fraction of 15 executive branch appointments are people you personally believe to be communists, or terrorists, or followers of the principles of National Socialism, or vegetarianism, or whatever. So I think my questions have been resolved.
Where did you get the idea that the Republicans were trying to regulate Fannie & Freddie properly? That's one of the quickest revisions of history in history!
Oh, wait, never mind - on the very next post you defend Rush. I guess I know where you got it.
If you back up over the last 8 years prior to the financial meltdown, you'll find a consistent pattern of deregulation and nonregulation under the Bush administration (the executive branch, remember). That lack of oversight directly enabled the corruption and greed that caused the meltdown. Since Bush was the chief cop overseeing the whole mess, and his administration was notoriously clannish and shut out any liberal voice whatsoever, I have a hard time buying the "It's the Democrats' fault!" line.
But I guess that's because "the right is always right." When they f*&% up, it's the left's fault!
Nope. See your being partisan again and failing to see the real reason we are in the financial crisis. The housing crisis started this because of Fannie and Freddie. Then, the rest happened like a domino effect because of them. I have a video in an earlier posting showing that Bush and Republicans tried to avert this crisis. How come Clinton didn't regulate anything? In fact he made a huge blunder in the housing market giving the low-income families the same type of grant that was previously set aside for low-income renters. Might have been good in theory but if the person can't pay their bills than the person shouldn't buy a house that they can't afford. Plus, you had ACORN strong arming the banks and forcing them to give out loans and Threatening execs and their families at their homes.
If you really want to know what's F&%$ up is that the Democrats are the party that are a bunch of peace nicks who don't give a rats A$$ about America's defense. Clinton was handed Bin Laden on a silver platter by the Sudanese govt. but he refused. So, if he hadn't been so casual about protecting our country, weakened all of our means of defense while he was humping all those women on the side than maybe 9/11 could have been avoided. Then, Bush and the Republicans could have focused on regulating. They did make some effort even with dealing with 9/11 but you are failing to see reality with those two eyes of yours.
Clinton didn't regulate anything because he ran things as Republican Lite. His foreign and economic policies were essentially indistinguishable from Reagan's and both Bushes'. Yes, he shares in the fault. But his blunder was in not providing oversight, not making bad loans, which wasn't under his purview.
That doesn't change the fact that the GOP was in charge of oversight for at least 7 years before Fannie and Freddie imploded, and that outfits like AIG were corrupt. Nor that Bush was warned in August about an impending attack, and he did nothing.
To me, pointing the finger at malfeasance by Democrats doesn't negate malfeasance by Republicans, nor relieve them of their share of the blame. IMHO.
Clinton was a moderate Democrat and ran his administration just like a Democrat would. The one thing he and Republicans did worthwhile by both having worked together was welfare reform. More people got jobs due to that. All I am saying is that Bush wasn't even half of the cause of the crisis. EVERYONE is to blame-both DEMS and REPUBS alike. But, you seem to be on the blame Republicans bandwagon when in fact the Republicans made many attempts at fixing the housing mess before the crisis started. I'll just say 9/11 was a major contributing factor and one reason there was not the oversight that there should have been by the Bush administration.
Many far left loons feel they can do anything now that another far left loon is in the White House. Wonder why???
You are right. WEll, he is the organizer-in-Chief. He is the encourager of getting up in people's faces.
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