Do you as parents really want Planned Parenthood in your child/childrens public school? Hell NO!!There is a high probability that this will happen if H.R. 3200 is passed in congress. In section 2511 (pages 993-1001) of H.R. 3200, there is a provision that is made for "School-Based Health Clinics (SBHC)." 'Under the provisions of this section, the Secretary of Health and Human Services is directed to “establish a school-based health clinic program” which will locate clinics “in, or...adjacent to a school facility” a clinic which is “administered by a sponsoring facility.” '
A "sponsoring facility" can be a hospital, a public health department, a community health center, or a nonprofit agency. This is where Planned Parenthood comes into play. Planned Parenthood is a non for profit (c) (3) organization that proudly grandstands the fact they operate "850 health centers" across the United States. "Under H.R. 3200, each one of these “health centers” is eligible to become a “sponsoring facility” of a school-based health clinic."
With President Obama and Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius being staunch supporters of abortion rights, how much of a chance do you think there is that they choose not to take advantage of this opportunity to indoctrinate and propogandize school kids into their pro-choice army? I think that it is very likely that this exact thing will happen. My suggestion is to take your kids out of public schools before they are brainwashed with liberalism garbage. We must stop this bill from being passed in any form. This is only one example of how Obama and his administration want to squash your parental rights and propogandize your kids into believing that being "Pro-Choice" is the right way to go. Abortion is evil. Abortion is wrong. All life is precious, especially the UNBORN. Parents, this is the time to stand up for your children and fight against this bill. This provision is one more example of the type of control and indoctrination Obama wants to have over your kids. This is utterly outrageous!!
And, Yes, these clinics will be federally funded. Your taxpayer dollars will go to this horrendous propoganda that promotes the murder of our most precious babies. This bill expressly says that “funds awarded under a grant under this section” may be used for “the payment of salaries for health professionals and other appropriate SBHC personnel.” Hell, freakin, NO!! I am not paying tax dollars to fund anything related to Planned Parenthood. In addition, the Secretary of HHS is directed to “begin awarding grants” for these SBHCs “not later than July 1, 2010.”
July 1, 2010.” So, we must stop this NOW!!! This must be made known to the public. The Obama administration is ready to start the process of indoctrinating kids even before the bill would go into effect, if passed. This bill must be stopped. This bill is not about health care. This bill is about power and control. And, if they can get their hands on your kids and control kids thoughts and their value systems, instead of the parent, then the parent is screwed. Parents, I hope you fight back against this intrusion into your kids lives and fight for your right to teach your kids what principles and values you see fit. Don't let this administration encroach on your parental rights.
Good to know this is part of it, right?
Certainly say no - even to the possibility of it. But I'd say that this goes beyond that - 'Health Clinic' has that fine, Sangerite, euphemistic ring to it. Keep it coming.
Sounds very possible to me----these bills will take care of the friends of Obama and his personal agenda. Whats coming next---maybe statehood for Kenya or at least a massive shot of foreign aid.
Like the fella said in that town hall... "Leave my kids alone!!"
Why do I keep getting the feeling that I'll be homeschooling my kids before long??
Great post!
No, no no no! I will parent my kids, thank you very much!
Teresa: I sit on the board of a Community Health Center. These non-profit organizations are an incredibly effective way of providing primary and preventative care to working-class families. We recently established a Health Clinic (no it is not a euphemism,) in a local elementry school. It has been ringing success, and is greatly valued by our community's parents. School attendance is up, vaccination rates are up, communicable diseases are down. These community health centers have been endorsed by Republicans and Democrats. President G.W. Bush was a big supporter. I would say that it would be pretty impossible for Planned Parenthood to establish a school-based clinic, despite the fact that, as you say, it is a non for profit organization. So are many organizations, but they don't qualify as community health centers. Planned Parenthood offers reproductive health services. It doesn't take care of sick kids. If you want to make the statutory language tougher, make a suggestion. But don't twisted up about one of the best ways there is of helping struggling American families.
Right. This bill needs to be trashed.
This doesn't sound innocuous at all.
Who Knows....Anythings possible with this bunch.
Obama will reward his cronies.
Your right. Leave kids alone.
Our public schools are in a sad state of affairs. Its sad that you may be forced to homeschool your kids because of what the schools have become today.
Your a wonderful Parent! That's right,Don't let these yahoos get a hold of your kids.
You think its impossible. You don't have a clue as to what level these liberals that surround Obama and including Obama will do and have already done to indoctrinate kids into beleiving their garbage way of thinking. Its already been done. Just look at the UNIONS. The unions have overrun and corrupted the school system and have indoctrimated and demoralized kids in public schools. So, it is not a far stretch to think that the liberal establishment, who advocates for the pro-abortion movement would use Planned Parenthood as a so called health clinic. Health clinic is a broad term that can be defined in any way that the Secretary of Dept. of Health and Human Services deems appropriate and it is highly probable that she will use this to further her radical pro-choice agenda. One suggestion to clarify that particular section of the bill, would be to specifically exclude Planned Parenthood in any way, shape, or form from being considered a health clinic and banning them from entering public schools, period.
What we really need is a good ACORN-like scandal to pull the rug right out from under them.
@nyp...I love that you think extermination is primary preventive care.
Glad you stopped by my blog. I loved your blog too. Link Exchange sounds great. How about following one another also?
Now we have the videos and still the MSM is ignoring the ACORN scandal. What a bunch of morons.
Teresa, you never cease satisfy my need to know or my desire for conservative red meat. You have bright ideas, timely points, an acute and focused mind and a beautiful smile. I am so pleased to see you using the gifts God gave you in a way which can only be described as searching for His Will to be done. Thanks for yet another informative and powerful post! Lead on Sister!!!
How awful, they keep hiding all sorts of nasty things in their bills! We know what radical murdering leftists are writing all these bills.
I must say I'm happy I don't have any children, because if all this stuff comes to pass, the future of our country is doomed.
My name is linsey and am a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School. I am doing a project in civics for planned parenthood in high schools. Out of all of my research and asking peoples opinions on the subject their are many people with strong reactions toward the subject. But the only opinion i can give to you is my own, i feel that planned parenthood in public schools is the best idea that i have ever heard. I have seen girls pregnant form the age of 15 to 19 at my school and heard of kids talking about having std's and unhealthy relationships and if someone can help these teens and get teens to understand sex and life i am all for it!!!
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