I have added a new blog of my rantings and ravings on anything and everything that has to do with the crazy world we live in and what we call LIFE.
Here is the site:
Here is the start of my first post:
This is my first post on my new blog. I just wanted to let everyone know that this blog will include ponderings on absolutely everything. My rants and raves will include a broad spectrum of issues related to being a married college student. For awhile I have been fascinated by the Hippo and that is why I used that animal in the name of my blog.What is quite puzzling to me and quite frankly I can't understand is why some people seem to care more about the welfare of terrorists who want to kill us than the the defense of the United States and the governments right to defend all of its citizens.
Terrorists hate Conservative Americans.
So do liberals, marxists and socialists.
So, all our enemies love each other.
Unfortunately, you are correct.
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