The health care legislation in the House and Senate under a new "public" insurance plan option would allow for abortions. The Capps Amendment that was just recntly passed by the House and Energy Committee states that abortions "shall" be covered by the "public-option"plan. And, leaves the types of abortions to be covereed under the health care plan up to the secretary of Health and Human Services which is Kathleen Sebelius. Sebelius is one of the most extreme abortion rights advocates in the nation. She supported the late term abortionist Tiller. That's just how radical and extreme she is. So, obviously she's going to advocate to provide federal financial aid and incentives in the bill for abortions. In fact, Obama has said that "reproductive services" will be included in the health care bill, and unless the bill specifically says that it will prohibit abortions than the bill WILL cover abortions. So, Obama the Misrepresenter-in- Chief is wrong about there being no funding for abortion in Obamacare. He has been misrepresenting what it is in Obamacare. NOT US CONSERVATIVES!!! WE, conservatives are revealing all of the democrats lies, misrepresentations, distortions etc. in regards to their bogus claims about Obamacare. Plus, if low to moderate income citizens choose the "public-Plan" they would qualify for federal subsidies to purchase it. In addition, private plans that cover abortion could be purchased with the assistance from federal subsidies. Therefore, what the President calls "fabrications" are not what he claims. But in fact the reality of the situation is that Obama was/is wrong. Obama and the Democrats have tried to hide this language in the bill regarding abortion to give the illusion that abortion isn't covered in the bill, when in actuality it is. Don't you just love all this magic and trickery being performed by the Obama administration?
C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Abortion Which Side Is Fabricating FactCheck_org.mht
Thanks for spelling that out - why do you think they're such champions of infanticide?
I don't know. They certainly do seem to have a fascination with death. Maybe, because their on the side of evil? Lack morality? Promote irresponsibility?
You have to understand, population control is the end game, and the history of abortion is one of population control going back to Margaret Sanger. Remember, Obama is nothing more than a puppet for the elite. If you don't believe me, watch the liberal Ted Turner call for population control and what the world will look like in the future if it doesn't happen.
Most Rev. Gregori,
Maybe we could dig up some dirt on Maxine Waters? And, demand an investigation also? She's a moron. Obama is a liar, and Wilson shouldn't have backed down. That was the best and only truthful moment of Obama's address. I don't think either Obama or Maxine Waters has one ethical bone in either of one of their bodies.
You are correct. Obama being a puppet for the elites, makes sense. Its kind of ironic how blacks support Sanger and her movement, who advocated for the popoulation control, or eradication of blacks.
Teresa, that picture fascinates and sickens me. As a mother, I marvel at the perfectly formed little one. And I mourn that the baby is so clearly dead.
My babies were real to me from the time I learned of them, generally when they were the size of a grain of rice. I loved and protected them from the beginning.
Shame on anybody who resorts to murder to cover for their bad choices.
I just can't comprehend how anyone would want to murder someone so precious and innocent-as an unborn baby, a tiny human being. I am sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions and forcing babies to die because of it.
You are a testament to the pro-life movement and what a pro-lifer should be. God Bless you and your kids.
Your analysis of the House of Representatives version of the health reform legislation is factually incorrect. The bill does not fund abortion, and it leaves federal policy with respect to reproductive health issues exactly the same as it is tody. In fact, the language of the Capps Amendment is taken right out of the Hyde Amendment. The Executive Director of Catholics United has stated that the Capps Amendment is "entirely consistent with current federal policy."
This bill is a veritable extermination order.
@nyp...And the left is taking over my Catholic faith, so why on earth should we believe you? More than 50% of my fellow Catholics voted for Obugger, and that's just despicable and quite antithetical to the church's teachings.
Its every bit as factual as The Pope is the head of Rome. I got all this information from the nonpartisan group factcheck.org. They have no interests in lying, just in cjecking the facts of legislation. The Capps amendment that passed the House and is now attached to House bill 3200 does allow for abortions to be covered. Even in the actual bill itself the wording is meant to be confusing so as to think that its not allowed. It may not be a requirement, but federal funds are allowed to be used to support abortions in public or private plans.
What is so sad about abortion, other than killing babies, is that most of the abortions that are done are done on black women.
The 'dead baby' in that man's hand should be black, and not white. I know white babies are aborted too, but when the media talks about abortion, they don't bring out the statistic about black ones.
I'm not black, but I am tired of the blacks killing each other, and then blaming their problems on 'white, bigoted, homophobic, racists'.
I actaully meant to say Pope's the head of Vatican and Catholic which is TRUTH.
Me too. Blacks are killing off themselves by buying into the "choice" argument. The blame game has got to stop. Conservatives want to help them succeed but don't want to hand them everything on a silver platter.
to Teresa; as i said, the status of abortion will be exactly the same as it is under the existing Hyde amendment. Federal funds will only pay for abortion if the life of the mother is in danger or in cases of rape or incest. Some people do not like those exceptions, but that is the state of current law, and that is what the law will be under at least the House verison of the bill. In addition, it is theoretically possible that if the "public plan" option is adopted (and that looks unfortunately unlikely right now!) the plan, which is intended to be less expensive than private plans, may opt to cover abortions. But we don't know. But I do not believe that should concern sincere members of the anti-abortion community. After all, every private plan right now has the option of providing insurance for abortion. The public plan will be "chartered" with federal funds, but it is designed to be self-sufficient after that. So, even in the unlikely event that the public plan survives the legislative process, and even if the the eventual public plan does decide to provide insurance coverage for abortions, and even in the unlikely event that the public plan provides for abortions on a basis broader than that set forth in the Hyde Amendment, it still does not represent an outlay of taxpayer funds for procedures that some taxpayers find objectionable.
Why do I go on at such noxious length about this? Because tens of millions of American families do not have health insurance right now, and our screwed-up system is bankrupting the country. I welcome criticism of the President's proposals, but the criticism should be based in something real. Playing a false abortion card here is just an attempt to get people riled up about emotional "hot button" issues and diverted away from the real merits of this important piece of domestic policy. If someone wants to come up with a better way to make sure all American families have adequate health coverage, and that the unsustainable upwards curve of health care spending is adjusted downwards, they should propose it!
Not true. Under the Capps amendment it is left under the secretary of Health and Human Services, who is an pro-abortion advocate, to decide exactly which abortions get covered. Abortion is not health care. Miscarriages, and cases of life of the mother are different. That is not the intentional, or purposeful killing of innocent human life.
You said, "the plan, which is intended to be less expensive than private plans, may opt to cover abortions." That is why there needs to be an amendment to prevent Americans from being forced to throw away their conscience and fund abortion which me and many others hold the belief and fact to be the murder of an unborn baby. Private plans as they stand today are not federally funded and are for the specific person choosing to buy into that specific plan of health care. As much as I disagree with abortion, it is the person who is choosing to fund their own abortion according to the private health plan of their choice, who is funding their own abortion if they have one, and not the public. That would not be correct if Obamacare goes through as it is today. Obamacare would force Amerians to fund abortions which they are morally opposed to and abandon their conscience-in effect the government would be forcing their lack of morality on those that disagree with abortion and force people to abandon their consciences. The Republicans have brought to the floor many amendments that would ban abortion funding except in the cases as you mentioned and the Democrats have shot every single one of their proposals down. An abortion amendment to ban federal funding for abortions would lay this issue to rest. This is a legitimate concern and the fact that you don't see that and call me making up stuff when I got the facts from Factcheck.org, a nonpartisan group, is quite disturbing especially in light of your admission that you stated, "In addition, it is theoretically possible that if the "public plan" option is adopted (and that looks unfortunately unlikely right now!) the plan, which is intended to be less expensive than private plans, may opt to cover abortions. But we don't know." The wording in this bill regarding abortion is quite confusing and is meant to be in order to give the illusion and sucker in people to think that abortion funding is not in Obamacare. That is not true. It is in the bill.The term Allowing means that abortion would be allowed to be included and funded as to the wishes of the government.
Dr. Dave,
Your right. This administration continues to prey on the most vulnerable citizens. Liberal Catholics need to form their own chuech with their screwed up and watered down version of catholicism. Or, they need to start their own damn religion. We need to take the Catholic Church back to the place it was years ago, when it stood for values and morality, and didn't give into moral relativism just to make people happy in order to keep the funds rolling in. Schism maybe?
To: Teresa: you and I agree that it would be an acceptable compromise if health insurance reform leaves the question of public funding of abortion exactly as it is today. The Capps amendment expressly provides that
no federal funds may be used to pay for abortions that are not allowed under the Hyde Amendment. The only funds that may be used to pay for other abortion services are from private funds generated by the policyholders' premiums, whether the policyholder is covered by a private plan or the public option. If someone wants an insurance plan that includes coverage for abortion, they will have to pay for it with their own money. The money to pay for such coverage will not come from taxpayers. It will come from the individual. Moreover, the Capps amendment states that no doctor or hospital or even insurance plan can be required to participate in providing or covering abortion services. It also ensures that in each region of the country, there is at least one plan in the proposed Health Exchange that does not offer abortions services. You see all this as some terrible plot to deceive members of the public like yourself who strongly oppose abortion. I see it as a sincere, good-faith effort to remove this difficult issue from the rest of the debate. As this process works its way through the legislative sausage factory I am sure additiona amendment will be offered. Those of us who care deeply about the the millions of our fellow Americans who face financial and medical catastrophe because they lack adequate insurance are anxious to make sure that the good-faith concerns of abortion opponents are adequately addresses.
Obumer is a lying, baby murdering piece of scum....oh wait, that's an insult to scum. He even said that he'd abort his own grandkids, if his daughters "made a mistake" I think he was a mistake being born. And, that wife of his, just as bad. They both are EVIL personified. When I see what this country has become, I really fear the end times are near!
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