Friday, February 17, 2012

Comedy: Bill Cosby -- Himself


innominatus said...

Whoa. Old memories! This came out when I was in middle school. One time, my elderly great-aunt was over visiting. We turned the TV to HBO and started watching this. My prim-n-proper aunt was just about wetting herself from laughter. When Bill got to the cocaine bit, and the "but what if you're an a***ole" line, I remember her gasping in shock and then laughing so hard we had to hold her up to keep her from falling over.

Matt said...

Lol, Like Innoman, I caught that on HBO back in the day. It was hilarious.

Opus #6 said...

I thought the toilet bowl part was good. Then he did the dentist part and I about fell over.

Bunkerville said...

A good memory as well!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

We have this whole thing on tape. It's a classic.